Menekaunee – Bringing the Harbor Back to Life
Cleanup and restoration of our rivers can be an important first step in economic reinvestment. Learn how federal, state and local partners are working together to bring life back to Menekaunee Harbor, situated at the mouth of the Menominee River between the cities of Marinette, Wisconsin and Menominee, Michigan. Projects funded through the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative are restoring the environmental, recreational and economic value of this historically important harbor.
The Sturgeon Passage: Upriver Refuge
A Wisconsin DNR produced video. Part one of a two-part video. State, federal, local, and private partners are working to bring sturgeon back to their native spawning habitat in an effort to increase their numbers. Learn what challenges dams on the Menominee River present for these magnificent fish and what makes good lake sturgeon spawning and nursery habitat.
The Sturgeon Passage: Getting a Lift
A Wisconsin DNR produced video. Part two of a two-part video. How do you move a 120 pound lake sturgeon over a dam? Find out how state, federal, local and private partners are working to move lake sturgeon around two hydroelectric dams to their ancient spawning territory in the Menominee River.
Menominee River Area of Concern: Changing Waters
A Wisconsin DNR produced video. The communities of Marinette, Wisconsin and Menominee, Michigan have come together to heal the Menominee River. With the help of the DNR, the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) and local community partners, contaminated sediment removal and habitat restoration is underway. Federal funding has helped to accelerate work on this shared resource.
Menominee River Fish Passage Partnership
A River Alliance of Wisconsin produced video. Sturgeon born in the Menominee River living in Lake Michigan can now make it back upriver to their historical spawning grounds thanks to an elevator!