To wrap up our time together, we will use this afternoon to create an action plan for each of us to take home and to share the discussion with colleagues unable to attend.
Small Group Discussion
2pm to 3pm
Break into small groups to discuss what was learned during this conference and determine actionable-items for once you return home. Prepare a short presentation using Google Slides and select a speaker to deliver a 10 minute or less summary.
- Prepare one slide of group members
- Prepare 1 to 3 slides of the “Big 3” things learned this week
- Prepare 1 or more slides of Action Items you will implement in the next 6 to 12 months
3pm break
Small Group Presentation
Jump to group presentations
- Group 1: EMG Committee
- Group 2: Nearly New
- Group 3: Minnesota
- Group 4: Oregon
- Group 5: Urban
- Group 6: Ye Old Western States
- Group 7: Wisconsin
- Group 8: Goal Oriented
We will attempt to record presentations in order to share with colleagues unable to attend.
Followed by closing comments