Enriching, engaging, place-based & hands-on – outdoors and virtually.

Environmental education can be defined as informal or formal teachings on how natural environments function and how human beings interact with nature and ecosystems to live sustainably. This site offers new and innovative techniques, lesson plans, studies, and research to help bolster any environmental education curriculum.

Why is environmental education so important? 

The field of environmental education provides educators and practitioners with a unique opportunity to strengthen students’ experiences outdoors, fostering outdoor leadership, conservation, and explorations of the natural world. The inquiry-driven, place-based learning of environmental education connects STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) to the human experience in nature, how we live in the world, and how we can share those experiences with each other to promote justice, sustainability, and the Wisconsin Idea outdoors.

If you have any questions or comments, please reach out to Dr. Justin Hougham at justin.hougham@wisc.edu.