Maintaining Family Financial Credit Worthiness: Managing Student Loans

Student loan debt is growing relative to incomes and other forms of debt.  It is important to note that managing student loans is not just a financial education issue for younger people; loans may also be incurred by older learners returning to school or job training. This brief summarizes options for managing student loans, focusing […]


Strategies for Improving Credit Scores

Credit worthiness is a priority for many families.  As educators, it can be useful to focus on people who are most in need of improving low credit scores or establishing credit at all. This brief summarizes how educators and counselors can work with their clients to develop credit building strategies. Issue Brief: Community-based Educators Guide to […]


Medical Debt and Financial Security

A significant percentage of households in Wisconsin and across the country are faced with medical debt. The causes of medical debt are wide-ranging given the complexities of the health care system. This brief identifies ways to help prevent medical bills from reaching unsustainable levels and strategies for dealing with existing debt. Issue Brief Medical Debt […]


Getting Back on Your Feet: Approaching Personal Financial Recovery

The purpose of this brief is to help educators, professionals, and counselors guide people in their community who are recovering from a financial setback. Issue Brief Getting Back on Your Feet: Approaching Personal Financial Recovery mp3 file* Lunchtime Learning May 2011 (May 9, 2011) *Listen now or download the audio file to an mp3 player […]


Debt Collection

With the economic downturn, more and more families are behind on their bills. While not a substitute for legal advice, this Issues Brief provides some background on common issues related to debt collection, judgments and garnishments. The terms and definitions discussed here can serve as a starting point for dialogue with clients about debt collection.  […]


Financial Service Alternatives to Traditional Accounts

Many financial services are offered outside of federally-insured or regulated financial institutions. This Issue Brief and corresponding audio will provide an overview of what is available in the market today and why people may choose these alternatives. Presented April 2010 mp3 File* Alternative Financial Products This Lunchtime Learning audio also includes information on Reverse Mortgages. […]


The Credit Counseling Industry

There are dozens of nonprofit providers of consumer credit counseling in Wisconsin. Some are local agencies, others part of a national network. Some credit counselors work on 24 hour hotlines, others hold office counseling over regular business hours. Regardless of the format, however, financial educators need to understand the role of counselors as a complement […]


Nothing like a recession to bring out the scam artists

The recession of 2008-2009 was more severe and longer than many previous economic downturns of the last half century, but it had one feature common to times when jobs are more scarce: a burst of shady financial products and services preying on people in hard times. This brief highlights a few of the issues consumers […]