Recovering Flooded Forages

Recovering Flooded Forages by Dan Undersander, University of Wisconsin-Madison Many factors affect the extent of crop damage after a flood. Seasonal temperatures can be a major factor. For example, a July flood wreaks more havoc on a crop than a spring flood. The warmer mid-summer weather increases the rate of damage and death to submerged plants. During […]


Ice on Alfalfa

Ice on Alfalfa by Dan Undersander, UW-Madison Department of Agronomy Freezing rains and ice accumulation in Wisconsin during the winter often lead to questions about potential ice damage to alfalfa stands. How does ice cause damage to alfalfa? The freezing temperatures of ice often do little damage directly to alfalfa. Temperatures significantly below freezing (less than 15°F […]


Effect of Drought on Alfalfa and Managing for Next Growing Season

Effect of Drought on Alfalfa and Managing for Next Growing Season by Dr. Dan Undersander Agronomy, University of Wisconsin Drought can significantly reduce alfalfa yield. Timing of drought can be critical. First cutting may be reduced in the case of a dry March. Alfalfa root systems die back to some extent over winter. The root system […]


Alfalfa Grass Mixtures

Alfalfa Grass Mixtures by Dan Undersander1 Research is developing new understanding of forage, fiber, and the animal’s ability to use them. We have also increased understanding of the genetics of alfalfa to allow improved variety selection methods and enhanced performance for the farmer. This paper will consider both topics. Growing Alfalfa/Grass Mixtures Generally dairymen have perceived […]


White Clover for Wisconsin Pastures

White Clover for Wisconsin Pastures by Ken Albrecht1 and Derek Woodfield2 1University of Wisconsin-Madison 2AgResearch New Zealand White clover has been described as the “key to the international competitive advantage of New Zealand’s pastoral industries”.  World wide, it is recognized for its high forage quality, ability to support high levels of intake by livestock, and capacity to fix […]


Wisconsin Alfalfa Yield and Persistence (WAYP) Program, 2016 Summary Report

Wisconsin Alfalfa Yield and Persistence (WAYP) Program 2016 Summary Report Program Objectives To verify the yield and quality of alfalfa harvested from production fields over the life of the stand beginning with the first production year (year after seeding). To quantify decreases in stand productivity of alfalfa fields as they age. 2016 Overview: This summary […]