General Harvesting & Equipment
Don’t make your cows eat dirt: Reducing ash in hay and haylage
by Dan Undersander, UW Extension Forage Agronomist
Minimizing Wheel Traffic Damage to Alfalfa
A “Focus on Forage” fact sheet written by Dan Undersander, UW-Extension Forage Agronomist
Adjusting the Conditioning System on a Mower-Conditioner
by Dr. Ron Schuler (emeritus), UW Extension Ag Engineer
Adjusting the Forage Harvester for Corn Silage Particle Size
by Dr. Ron Schuler (emeritus), UW Extension Ag Engineer
Rakes and Mergers
by Dr. Ron Schuler (emeritus), UW Extension Ag Engineer
Crop Processor Adjustment for Corn Silage
by Dr. Ron Schuler (emeritus), UW Extension Ag Engineer
Estimating the Weight of Forage in a Forage Wagon
A “Focus on Forage” fact sheet by Dan Wiersma, former Marshfield Ag Research Station Asst. Supt and Brian Holmes (emeritus), UW-Extension Ag Engineer.
Machinery Designs and Adjustments for Minimized Field Losses
by Dr. Ron Schuler (emeritus), UW Extension Ag Engineer\
Recovering Flooded Forages
by Dan Undersander, Forage Agronomist UW Extension
Effects of Rain Damage on Wilting Forages
A “Focus on Forage” fact sheet written by Wayne Coblentz and Richard Muck, US Dairy Forage Research Center
Field Drying Forage for Hay and Haylage
A “Focus on Forage” fact sheet written by Dan Undersander, UW-Extension Forage Agronomist and Craig Saxe, UWEX Juneau County Agriculture Agent
Effect of Wheel Traffic on Alfalfa Yield
A “Focus on Forage” fact sheet written by Dan Undersander, UW-Extension Forage Agronomist
The Long and the Short of Alfalfa Cutting Height
Written by Dan Wiersma and Mike Bertram, former Agronomist-Marshfield Agricultural Research Station and current Supt. of the Arlington ARS, and Ron Wiederholdt and Nick Schneider, former UW-Extension agents. A Focus on Forage Fact Sheet
Rain Damage to Forage During Hay and Silage Making
by Mike Rankin, Fond du Lac Co. Crops and Soils Agent, and Dr. Dan Undersander, UW Extension Agronomist. A “Focus on Forage” fact sheet.
Comparing Forage Drydown Rates Using a Super Conditioner
by Matt Hanson, former Dodge Co. Crops and Soils Agent,
Getting the Most from Your Mower-Conditioner
by Dr. Kevin Shinners, UW-Madison, Ag Engineer
Equipment to Rake and Merge Hay and Forage
by Dr. Kevin Shinners, UW-Madison, Ag Engineer and Dr. Ron Schuler, UW Extension Ag Engineer
Alfalfa Best Practices
powerpoint presentation by Dr. Dan Undersander, Forage Agronomist UW Extension
Wisconsin Forage Council AM-PM forage harvest study
by Jerry Clark, UW Extension Crops and Soils Educator, and Randy Knapp, UW Extension Agricultural Agent
Alfalfa Cutting Height to Maximize Forage Yield and Quality
by Robert W. Wiersma, Marshfield Agricultural Research Station, and Ron Wiederholt, UW Extension Clark County
Ash in Forage
by Dr. Dan Undersander, UW Extension Forage Agronomist
Identifying and Managing Soil Compaction in Field Crop Production
by Richard Wolkowski, Division of Cooperative Extension of the University of Wisconsin
Considerations When Applying Manure to Alfalfa
by K.A. Kelling, UW Professor and Extension Soil Scientist, and M.A. Schmitt, Professor and Extension Scientist, Dept. of Soil, Water, and Climate, University of Minnesota
Getting Low Potassium in Forages
by Dan Undersander and Keith Kelling, University of Wisconsin
Estimation of Alfalfa NDF Using PEAQ with a Simplified Staging Scale
developed by Agronomists at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
Understanding Forage Quality
by D. Ball, M. Collins, G. Lacefield, N. Martin, D. Mertens, K. Olson, D. Putnam, D. Undersander, and M. Wolf
Diurnal Cycling in Forage Quality
by H.F. Mayland and Glenn E. Shewmaker, USDA-ARS
Diurnal Variation in Forage Quality Affects Animal Preference and Production
by H.F. Mayland, G.E. Shewmaker, D.S. Fisher, and J.C. Burns, USDA-ARS
Comparing Relative Forage Quality (RFQ) to Relative Feed Value (RFV) at World Dairy Expo
by Dr. Dan Undersander, UW Extension Forage Agronomist
Fine Tuning Alfalfa Cutting Height to Maximize Forage Yield
by Ron Wiederholt, Clark County UWEX, and Daniel W. Wiersma, Pioneer Hybrids International
Calculating Optimal Cutting Date and Net Return per Acre
ppt by Bill Lazarus and Dan Undersander, University of Wisconsin Extension
Cutting Alfalfa Very Frequently
by Dan Undersander, UW-Extension Forage Agronomist
Value of Standing Forage
by Dr. Dan Undersander, UW-Extension Forage Agronomist
Calculating Production Costs – Per Acre, Ton, Bushel, etc.
by Gary G. Frank, Agricultural Economist, Center for Dairy Profitability, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Value of Minerals in Hay
ppt worksheet developed by Dr. Dan Undersander, UW Extension Forage Agronomist
Forage Quality of First Cutting Due to Wet Spring
by Dr. Dan Undersander, UW Extension Forage Agronomist
Understanding and Reducing Mold Growth in Hay
by S. Ray Smith, University of Manitoba
Mycotoxin Effects on Dairy Cattle
by Bill Seglar, Nutritional Sciences Manager, Pioneer Hi-Bred, Intl., Inc.
Alfalfa Yield and Stand
by Dan Undersander, UW Extension Forage Agronomist
Silage Harvesting & Equipment
Corn Snaplage Harvest and Feeding
A “Corn Snaplage” fact sheet by Matt Atkins, UW Extension Dairy Scientist, Randy Shaver, UW Extension Dairy Scientist, and Joe Lauer, UW Extension Agronomy Scientist.
Corn Moisture Determinations When Considering Silage – Results from county “Drydown Days”
Sampling Corn Silage Fields to Accurately Determine Moisture
Joe Lauer, Corn Agronomist
Shrink is a Deceptive Term
by Dr. Brian Holmes (emeritus), UW Biological Systems Engineering Dept.
Making Sure Your Kernel Processor is Doing Its Job
A “Focus on Forage” fact sheet written by Kevin J. Shinners, UW-Madison Ag Engineer, and Brian Holmes (emeritus), UW Extension Ag Engineer
Bale Harvesting & Equipment
Propionic Acid Preservatives for Hay
A “Focus on Forage” fact sheet written by Wayne Coblentz, Dan Undersander, and Michael Bertram
Big Bale Storage Losses; how different options stack up
by Craig Saxe, Juneau County Agricultural Agent. A “Focus on Forage” Fact Sheet.
Making Quality Silage Bales
by Jerry Clark, Chippewa Co. Crops and Soils Agent. A “Focus on Forage” Fact Sheet.
Successful Wrapping and Storage of Square Bales
by Tim Wood (emeritus), Director-Lancaster Ag Research Center, Dan Undersander, UW Extension Forage Agronomist, and William Foster, Consultant
Large Baler Research and Storage Ideas
by Dr. Ron Schuler (emeritus), UW Extension Ag Engineer
Custom Field Operations / Equipment Sharing
2013 Wisconsin Custom Rate Guide
Forging a Partnership with a Custom Operator
A Focus on Forage fact sheet by Matt Digman, former USDA DFRC Ag Engineer
Should a custom operator be harvesting your forages?
by Matt Digman, former USDA DFRC Ag Engineer
Working Successfully with a Custom Operator
by Joe Stellato, former Shawano Co. Crops and Soils Agent and John Biese, former
Outagamie Co. Crops and Soils Agent
Equipment Sharing and Other Joint Ventures
Gary Frank, Farm Management Specialist, UW-Madison, Center for Dairy Profitability
Silage and Grain Storage Type, Sizing, and Management
Recycling Silo Bags and Other Agricultural Plastic Films
by Dr. Brian Holmes (emeritus), UW Biological Systems Engineering Dept. and Roger Springman (retired), WI Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection. This is a UW-Extension bulletin describing options to handle spent agricultural plastics.
Silage Preservation: First Things First
by Dr. Brian Holmes (emeritus), UW Biological Systems Engineering Dept.
Feedout Losses from Forage Storage Systems
A “Focus on Forage” fact sheet written by Jerry Clark, Chippewa Co. Crops and Soils Educator, Dr. Brian Holmes (emeritus), UW Biological Systems Engineering Dept., and Dr. Richard Muck, USDA Dairy-Forage Research Center
Determining Value of Improved Silage Management (7-8-11)
This spreadsheet, developed by Dr. Brian Holmes (emeritus), is designed to help producers determine the value associated with dry matter and quality losses from harvesting, storing, and feeding forages.
Storage Density Calculator (1-28-05)
This spreadsheet, developed by Dr. Brian Holmes, was developed to estimate the average density of forage in selected storage units based on the weight of feed removed and the calculated volume of that feed.
Deciding on a Silage Storage Type
French version
ppt downloadable file (1.02 MB, suggest right clicking, then “save target/file as”)
An interactive MS PowerPoint presentation by Dr. Brian Holmes (emeritus), UW Biological Systems Engineering Dept., and Craig Saxe, Juneau Co. Agricultural Agent. Helps producers decide on the best storage type to fit a given situation.
Deciding on a Silage Storage Type (5-8-03)
French version
by Dr. Brian Holmes (emeritus), UW Biological Systems Engineering Dept.
Choosing Forage Storage Facilities
by Dr. Brian Holmes (emeritus), UW Biological Systems Engineering Dept.
Preventing Silage Storage Losses
by Dr. Brian Holmes (emeritus), UW Biological Systems Engineering Dept. and Dr. Richard Muck, USDA Dairy-Forage Research Center
Transferring Silage between Silos
by Dr. Randy Shaver, UW Extension Dairy Specialist, and Jim Leverich, former Monroe Co. Agricultural Agent. A “Focus on Forage” fact sheet.
Bunker and Pile Silos
Bunker Silo Sizing Spreadsheet (10-15-19)
by Brian J. Holmes (emeritus). This spreadsheet will help you design a bunker silo(s) which uses nearly vertical walls.
Silage Pile Sizing Calculator w/ English, English-metric, Spanish, French and Portuguese (10-15-19)
This spreadsheet, originally developed by Ken Barnett, UW Extension Farm Management Specialist, and updated by Brian J. Holmes (emeritus), helps you design a silage pile (drive over pile) which uses sloping sidewalls and endwalls. The documentation helps the user understand how to use the spreadsheet.
Bunker Silo Volume and Weight Calculator (10-15-19)
This spreadsheet, developed by Dr. Brian Holmes (emeritus), is designed to calculate the volume and weight (dry and wet) of silage stored in a bunker silo.
A New Way Of Looking at Bunker Silage Density
by Dr. Richard Muck, USDA Dairy-Forage Research Center
Packing Bunker and Pile Silos to Minimize Porosity (5-16-08)
A “Focus on Forage” fact sheet written by Dr. Brian Holmes, UW Biological Systems Engineering Dept., and Dr. Richard Muck, USDA Dairy-Forage Research Center
Bunker Silo Density Calculator (in English, Espanol, Russian, Welsh and Hungarian) (2020)
Documentation (6-23-08)
This spreadsheet, developed by Drs. Brian Holmes (emeritus) and Richard Muck is designed to help producers estimate bunker silo densities. Works for both English and Metric units. Porosity now included as a factor.
Packing Bunkers and Piles to Maximize Forage Preservation (10-16-07)
by Dr. Brian Holmes (emeritus), UW Biological Systems Engineering Dept., and
Dr. Richard Muck, USDA Dairy-Forage Research Center
Silage Pile Density Calculator spreadsheet (in English and Espanol) (5-10-20)
This spreadsheet, developed by Dr. Brian Holmes (emeritus) and Dr. Richard Muck, is designed to help producers determine the average density of a silage pile. Works for both English and Metric units and includes a Spanish (espanol) translated option. Porosity now included as a factor.
Silage Pile Capacity Calculator w/ metric and Espanol (6-25-19)
This spreadsheet, developed by Dr. Brian Holmes (emeritus), is designed to help producers determine the amount of silage in an existing silage pile. Now includes Spanish translation and Metric conversions.
Floor Length to Achieve Bunker/Pile Silo Filling Layer Thickness Calculator (1-13-20)
This spreadsheet, developed by Dr. Brian Holmes (emeritus), estimates the length of floor needed to achieve the desired forage filling layer thickness prior to packing in a bunker or pile silo.
Sources of Supply – Face Cutters for Bunker and Pile Silos (5-10-05)
by Dr. Brian Holmes (emeritus), UW Biological Systems Engineering Dept.
Managing Forage in Bunker Silos
by Craig Saxe, Juneau Co. Agricultural Agent. A “Focus on Forage” fact sheet.
Management of Bunker Silos and Silage Piles
by Ken Bolton (emeritus), former Jefferson County Dairy and Livestock Agent, and Dr. Brian Holmes (emeritus), UW Biological Systems Engineering Dept.
Storing Forage in Piles
by Jerry Clark, UW Extension Crops and Soils Educator.
A “Focus on Forage” fact sheet.
Storing Forage in Piles
A MS PowerPoint presentation by Jerry Clark, UW Extension Crops and Soils Educator, and Brian Holmes (emeritus), UW Extension Ag Engineer.
Bunker Silo Cover Alternatives
by Dr. Brian Holmes (emeritus), UW Biological Systems Engineering Dept.
Factors Affecting Bunker Silo Densities
by Dr. Brian Holmes (emeritus), UW Biological Systems Engineering Dept., and
Dr. Richard Muck, USDA Dairy-Forage Research Center
You Can’t Judge a Bunker Silo by Its Cover
by Dr. Brian Holmes (emeritus), UW Biological Systems Engineering Dept.
Drive-Over Silage Pile Construction
UWEX Bulletin A3511
Silage Bags
Silage Bag Capacity Calculator (1-31-12)
This spreadsheet, developed by Dr. Brian Holmes (emeritus), is designed to help producers estimate the quantity of forage in a bag silo.
Recycling Silo Bags and Other Agricultural Plastic Films
by Dr. Brian Holmes (emeritus), UW Biological Systems Engineering Dept. and Roger Springman (retired), WI Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection. This is a UW-Extension bulletin describing options to handle spent agricultural plastics.
Managing Forage in Silo Bags
by Craig Saxe, Juneau County Agricultural Agent. A “Focus on Forage” Fact Sheet.
Silage Bag Sizing Calculator Spreadsheet (4-29-11)
This spreadsheet, developed by Dr. Brian Holmes (emeritus), is designed to help producers determine the number and size of silo bags needed to store forage and high moisture corn. Contains both English and Spanish worksheets.
Density and Losses in Pressed Bag Silos (pdf)
by Dr. Brian Holmes (emeritus), UW Biological Systems Engineering Dept., and Dr. Richard Muck, USDA Dairy-Forage Research Center
Silage Bag Capacity
by Dr. Brian Holmes (emeritus), UW Biological Systems Engineering Dept.
Tower Silos
Tower Silo Capacity Calculator (11-9-12)
This spreadsheet, developed by Dr. Brian Holmes (emeritus), is designed to help estimate the tons of silage in a tower silo. Calculations are presented on a dry matter and as fed basis.
Tower Silo Capacity Calculator (11-9-12)
This spreadsheet, developed by Dr. Brian Holmes (emeritus), is designed to help estimate the tons of silage in a tower silo when the silo is refilled before being emptied. Calculations are presented on a dry matter and as fed basis.
Managing Forage in Tower Silos
by Dr. Brian Holmes (emeritus), UW Biological Systems Engineering Dept.
Grain Bins
Grain Bin Capacity Calculator (11-9-12)
This spreadsheet, developed by Dr. Sam G. McNeill, P.E. and University of Kentucky Extension Agricultural Engineer, and modified by Dr. Brian Holmes (emeritus), estimates the amount of grain in various sized circular grain bins.
Hay and Silage Additives
Inoculating High Moisture Corn (updated)
by Pat Hoffman (emeritus), UW Extension Dairy Scientist, Marshfield Ag Research Station and Richard Muck, USDA Dairy Forage Research Center. A “Focus on Forage” fact sheet.
Inoculant Effects on Alfalfa Silage: Fermentation Products and Nutritive Value
by Dr. Richard Muck, USDA Dairy-Forage Research Center, et al.
Inoculant Effects on Alfalfa Silage: In Vitro Gas and Volatile Fatty Acid Production
by Dr. Richard Muck, USDA Dairy-Forage Research Center, et al.
Silage inoculants: What the research tells us about when and how to use them
by Dr. Richard Muck, Agricultural Engineer, USDA Dairy Forage Research Center
Microbial Inoculants for Silage
by Francisco Contreras-Govea, former UW Agronomy Research Associate, and Dr. Richard Muck, USDA Dairy-Forage Research Center. A “Focus on Forage” fact sheet.
Español version: Inoculantes Microbiales para ensilaje
Effects of Corn Silage Inoculants on Aerobic Stability
Written by Dr. Richard Muck, USDA Dairy Forage Research Center
Lactobacillus buchneri for Silage Aerobic Stability
by David Combs and Pat Hoffman (emeritus), UW Dairy Scientists. A “Focus on Forage” fact sheet.
Anhydrous Ammonia for Legume-Grass Silage
by Dr. Randy Shaver, UW Extension Dairy Scientist. A “Focus on Forage” fact sheet.
Adding Enzymes to Silage
by Pat Hoffman (emeritus), UW Extension Dairy Scientist, Marshfield Ag Research Station and Richard Muck, USDA Dairy Forage Research Center. A “Focus on Forage” fact sheet.
Adding Urea to Corn Silage
by Pat Hoffman (emeritus), UW Extension Dairy Scientist, Marshfield Ag Research Station. A “Focus on Forage” fact sheet.
Preserving Baled Hay with Organic Acids
by Mike Rankin, Fond du Lac Co. Crops and Soils Agent. A “Focus on Forage” fact sheet.
Hay Desiccants and Preservatives
by Dr. Dan Undersander, UW Extension Forage Agronomist
Hay Storage Sizing & Management
Estimating Winter Hay Needs for Beef Cattle
Developed by Bill Halfman, Monroe County Agricultural Agent, this spreadsheet helps to estimate winter hay needs based on inventory, feed loss, and livestock numbers.
Dry Round Hay Bale Storage Costs
A “Focus on Forage” fact sheet written by Dr. Brian Holmes (emeritus), UW-Extension Ag Engineer
Round Bale Hay Storage Costs
A MS PowerPoint presentation developed by Dr. Brian Holmes (emeritus), UW Extension Ag Engineer. Also see companion spreadsheet application.
Comparing Round Bale Storage Costs
This spreadsheet, developed by Dr. Brian Holmes (emeritus), will help analyze the economics of storing round bales.
Systems to Improve Storage Characteristics of Large Square Bales in a Humid Climate
by Dr. Kevin Shinners, UW-Madison, Ag Engineer, Dept. of Biological Systems Engineering, UW Madison
Feedout Losses from Forage Storage Systems
A “Focus on Forage” fact sheet written by Jerry Clark, Chippewa Co. Crops and Soils Educator, Dr. Brian Holmes (emeritus), UW Biological Systems Engineering Dept., and Dr. Richard Muck, USDA Dairy-Forage Research Center
Minimizing Losses in Hay Storage and Feeding
by D. Ball, D. Bade, G. Lacefield, N. Martin, and B. Pinkerton
Hay Desiccants and Preservatives
by Dr. Dan Undersander, UW Extension Forage Agronomist
Effectiveness of Equipment to Speed Hay Drying
by C. Alan Rotz, Agricultural Engineer, USDA-ARS
Harvest and Storage Economics
Weigh Your Hay Now, Save Money Later
By Jennifer Blazek, UWEX Dairy & Livestock Educator, et. al
Saving Time and Fuel During Tillage
by Matt Digman, former USDA DFRC Ag Engineer
Determining Value of Improved Silage Management (7-8-11)
(Includes French translation)
This spreadsheet, developed by Dr. Brian Holmes (emeritus), is designed to help producers determine the value associated with dry matter and quality losses from harvesting, storing, and feeding forages.
Machinery Cost Spreadsheet
Estimating Agricultural Field Machinery Costs
by Dr. Ron Schuler (emeritus), UW Extension Ag Engineer. This spreadsheet and paper helps to estimate the cost of various field crop machine operations.
Dry Round Hay Bale Storage Costs
A “Focus on Forage” fact sheet written by Dr. Brian Holmes (emeritus), UW-Extension Ag Engineer
Round Bale Hay Storage Costs
A MS PowerPoint presentation developed by Dr. Brian Holmes (emeritus), UW Extension Ag Engineer. Also see companion spreadsheet application.
Comparing Round Bale Storage Costs
This spreadsheet, developed by Dr. Brian Holmes (emeritus), will help analyze the economics of storing round bales.
Bunker Silo Facers – worth the investment?
A “Focus on Forage” fact sheet written by Dr. Brian Holmes (emeritus), UW-Extension Ag Engineer
Facer Cost Analysis Spreadsheet
This spreadsheet, developed by Dr. Brian Holmes (emeritus), will help analyze the economics of owning and operating a facer for removing silage from horizontal silos.
Forage Inventory
Making a Feed Inventory
A “Focus on Forage” fact sheet written by Brian Holmes (emeritus), UW-Extension Ag Engineer
Silage Pile Capacity Calculator w/ metric and Espanol
This spreadsheet, developed by Dr. Brian Holmes (emeritus), is designed to help producers determine the amount of silage in an existing silage pile. Now includes Spanish translation and Metric conversions.
Silage Pile Density Calculator (in English and Espanol)
This spreadsheet, developed by Dr. Brian Holmes (emeritus) and Dr. Richard Muck, is designed to help producers determine the average density of a silage pile. Works for both English and Metric units and includes a Spanish (espanol) translated option. Porosity now included as a factor.
Bunker Silo Volume and Weight Calculator
This spreadsheet, developed by Dr. Brian Holmes (emeritus), is designed to calculate the volume and weight (dry and wet) of silage stored in a bunker silo.
Bunker Silo Density Calculator (in English, Espanol, Russian and Hungarian)
This spreadsheet, developed by Drs. Brian Holmes (emeritus) and Richard Muck is designed to help producers estimate bunker silo densities. Works for both English and Metric units and the new version includes a Spanish (espanol) translated option. Porosity now included as a factor.
Bunker Silo Sizing Spreadsheet w/ metric, Portuguese, and Russian
This spreadsheet, developed by Dr. Brian Holmes (emeritus), will help design bunker silos with nearly vertical walls.
Silage Bag Capacity Calculator
This spreadsheet, developed by Dr. Brian Holmes (emeritus), is designed to help producers estimate the quantity of forage in a bag silo.
Storage Density Calculator
This spreadsheet, developed by Dr. Brian Holmes (emeritus), was developed to estimate the average density of forage in selected storage units based on the weight of feed removed and the calculated volume of that feed.
Tower Silo Capacity Calculator
This spreadsheet, developed by Dr. Brian Holmes (emeritus), is designed to help estimate the tons of silage in a tower silo. Calculations are presented on a dry matter and as fed basis.
Tower Silo Capacity Calculator – Multiple Fills
This spreadsheet, developed by Dr. Brian Holmes (emeritus), is designed to help estimate the tons of silage in a tower silo when the silo is refilled before being emptied. Calculations are presented on a dry matter and as fed basis.
Grain Bin Capacity Calculator
This spreadsheet, developed by Dr. Sam G. McNeill, P.E. and University of Kentucky Extension Agricultural Engineer, and modified by Dr. Brian Holmes (emeritus), estimates the amount of grain in various sized circular grain bins.
Estimating Winter Hay Needs for Beef Cattle
Developed by Bill Halfman, Monroe County Agricultural Agent, this spreadsheet helps to estimate winter hay needs based on inventory, feed loss, and livestock numbers.
Silage Bag Capacity
by Dr. Brian Holmes (emeritus), UW Biological Systems Engineering Dept.
Choosing Forage Storage Facilities
by Dr. Brian Holmes (emeritus), UW Biological Systems Engineering Dept.
Density and Losses in Pressed Bag Silos
by Drs. Brian Holmes (emeritus) and Richard Muck
Paying for Unexpected Feed Expenses
A “Focus on Forage” fact sheet written by Tom Anderson, former Shawano Co. Agricultural Agent
Managing Dairy Feed Inventory
UW Extension Bulletin A2945
Nitrate Poisoning in Cattle, Sheep and Goats
Written by several UW-Extension Forage and Animal Specialists
Silo Gas and Silo Filler’s Disease
by Cheryl A. Skjolaas, UWEX Agricultural Safety Specialist, et. al
Prevent Hay Mow and Silo Fires
UWEX Bulletin A2805
Watch Out for Silage Gas!
by J.M. Sund, R.P Niedermeier, and R.H. Burris, University of Wisconsin-Madison Extension