Red Clover Trial Results, 2010-2020

Red Clover Variety Trial Results 2010-2020 k Download excel file below to view trial results with cuttings. k All yield data is reported in tons per acre of dry matter (T/Ac DM). All Data (Red-Clover-Variety-Trial-Results-2010-2020)


Is Sulfur Needed for Alfalfa in Wisconsin?

Is Sulfur Needed for Alfalfa in Wisconsin? by John Peters and Carrie Laboski Extension Soil Scientists, University of Wisconsin What role does soil type play in sulfur availability to alfalfa? Research studies in recent years have shown that sulfur (S) may be deficient in some parts of Wisconsin. Sulfur deficiencies are most likely to occur when […]


Alfalfa Stand Assessment: Is this stand good enough to keep?

Alfalfa Stand Assessment: Is This Stand Good Enough to Keep? by Dan Undersander, Craig Grau, Dennis Cosgrove, Jerry Doll, and Neal Martin As alfalfa stands age and thin, the primary question becomes: is this stand good enough to keep? Alfalfa stands are often assessed in the spring, but our research shows that evaluating stands in the fall is better because it […]


Seeding Rate of Different Alfalfa Seed Lots

Seeding Rate of Different Alfalfa Seed Lots by Dan Undersander Many farmers neglect to calibrate their alfalfa seeder as they begin seeding in the spring. In doing so they are failing to take into account differences in seed size and may be seeding at higher rates than necessary. With good alfalfa seed costing $7 to $12 […]


Hard Seed in Alfalfa

Hard Seed in Alfalfa by Dan Undersander, Ken Albrecht, Nick Degenhart, Jim Moutrey, and Mark McCaslin Questions that arise about hard seed in alfalfa are becoming more important with increased seed production in the northwestern United States where seed tends to have higher levels of hard seed.  To answer questions about hard seed, studies were initiated at three sites […]


Pea and Small Grain Mixtures

Pea and Small Grain Mixtures by Dan Undersander Introduction Many farmers have considered including peas with small grains used as a cover crop for establishing alfalfa or as an emergency silage crop. The resulting silage is more palatable and higher in quality than small grain silage. The following information summarizes research regarding the influence of variety […]