Forging a Partnership with a Custom Operator
by Matthew Digman
In the interest of full-disclosure, I must confess that my family dairy chooses not to utilize the services of a custom harvester; however, my in-laws have been working with a custom harvester for the last eight years.
Which one is right?
I’d argue both, given their specific situations. The Digmans have added the cropping enterprise to integrate my brother into the farm; consequently, they complete the harve
Recycling Silo Bags and Other Agricultural Plastic Films
by Brian J. Holmes and Roger Springman
Plastic films are used extensively for silo bags, bunker covers, bale wraps, and horticultural mulch. Managing large, dirty plastic sheets is a major headache and cost for Wisconsin farmers. Until recently, the only legal disposal option for most farmers was landfilling. These plastic films, once largely unusable resources, can now be recycled into other plastic products.
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