Springboard Shoppes

Store Name Springboard Shoppes

Business Type Misc.

NAICS Code 0

Location 145 Spring Street, Newton, NJ 07860

Nearby Businesses Mother Moon Baby Boutique, PB&J Stores, The Perfect 10 Nail Boutique, Inner Designs

Owner/Manager Jonathan Andrews

Special Store Activities Training is provided for entrepreneurs with shops in the incubator.

Year Opened 2008

Website www.springboardshoppes.com

Phone 973-928-7794

E-mail info@springboardshoppes.com

Community Profile Newton is the county seat of Sussex County in northern New Jersey. As of the 2010 census, the town’s population was 7,997. Located in the Kittatinny Valley, Newton is home to a historic downtown district and offers a wealth of outdoor recreation opportunities.

Products Sold & Niche Developed

The Springboard Shoppes is a retail incubator which gives would-be entrepreneurs a chance to try out their ideas for retail or service businesses in a low-risk setting. As this shared business environment plays host to multiple businesses at once, it offers a wide array of products and services. Currently, the Shoppes house a coffee shop, a fair trade store, an art studio, and a cosmetics manufacturer which will soon move to its own location in Newton. These shops, and the alumni of the incubator in Newton’s downtown, provide alternatives to the big box stores located just outside the town.

Market Segments Served

As many varied businesses are part of the Springboard Shoppes, the incubator caters to a diverse clientele.

Contributions to the Business Community

Jonathan Andrews, the owner of the Springboard Shoppes, aims to give fledgling entrepreneurs a friendly environment in which to begin their businesses. This incubator gives entrepreneurs the courage and resources they need to try out their business ideas: low rent, training, and a shared environment of innovation. At the Springboard Shoppes, rents for businesses start low and increase. The higher rents that longer-term residents eventually pay help subsidize the initial low rents and training. Mr. Andrews aims to cultivate businesses that have the potential for success as independent businesses in Newton. And many businesses that got their start in the Springboard Shoppes have moved on to bigger and better things: a clothing boutique, a baby boutique, and  a beauty salon, among other businesses, first resided in the Springboard Shoppes and then moved to their own independent storefronts in downtown Newton. Thus the Springboard Shoppes provide both a unique attraction in Newton and a continual resource for further downtown development.

Review by: Rachel Schuh, UW Extension CCED