Extension Resources on COVID-19

For the latest on COVID-19, visit UW-Madison’s University Health Services.

Extension, UW-Madison, and our county and organizational partners are all closely monitoring the impact COVID-19 is having on our programming. As we engage health and government officials as well as our program leads, we continue to adjust our procedures for events and staffing.

Key decisions:

  • UPDATE: Based on guidance from UW-Madison as well as state and local officials, some Extension staff are working remotely and transitioning programming to alternative delivery methods.
  • Many of our larger programming events occurring between now and April 10 will be canceled or postponed.
  • Similarly, many volunteer and club activities will likely be postponed or canceled.

Please check resources from your local Extension office for more details or contact us for more questions.

General COVID-19 resources

  • Wash your hands frequently for at least 20 seconds with soap and water.
  • Use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol content and have it available for all participants.
  • Cough or sneeze into your sleeve/elbow.
  • Avoid direct contact such as shaking hands, embracing individuals, or putting yourself or others in close contact with one another.
  • Between events be sure to use Clorox wipes or something similar to wipe down furniture, doorknobs, tables, chairs, and any other spaces that may retain the COVID-19 virus.
  • Provide significant spacing (at least 6 feet) between participants and presenters – if you have lines of individuals consider putting tape on the floor to delineate individual spaces.