by Matt Lippert, WACAA Public Relations Committee Chair
The Wisconsin Association of County Agricultural Agents (WACAA) recently recognized members and industry partners during their annual awards and recognition program. An affiliate of the National Association of County Agricultural Agents (NACAA), WACAA is a professional organization for county, area, and state Extension professionals to encourage excellence and professionalism in their work; improve the effectiveness of Extension programs; provide assistance for agents to seek and participate in professional improvement opportunities and recognize and promote superior achievement. Listed below are award winners from the UW-Madison Division of Extension.
Second Mile Awards given for outstanding support of Wisconsin county agricultural agents

- Luiz Ferraretto, UW-Madison Dairy Nutrition Extension Specialist, Department of Animal and Dairy Science
- PJ Leisch, Extension Entomologist, Director, Insect Diagnostic Lab

Friend of the County Agent Award
- Abby Bauer, Managing Editor Hoard’s Dairyman Magazine
Top communication awards:
- Katie Wantoch, Farm Management Outreach Specialist, Computer Generated Graphic Presentation and Personal Column
- Katie Wantoch and Michelle Bachand Farm Management Project Coordinator, Event Promotional Package
- Heather Schlesser, Marathon County Dairy Educator, Website/Online Content, Feature Story and Educational Video
- Sandy Stuttgen, Taylor County Livestock Educator, Fact Sheet
- Jackie McCarville, Regional Dairy Educator Grant, Green, Iowa, and Lafayette Counties, Newsletter
- Heather Schlesser, Marathon County Dairy Educator Sandy Stuttgen Taylor County Livestock Educatorand William Halfman, Beef Outreach Specialist Learning Module/ Notebook
Search for Excellence Award in livestock production
- Aerica Bjurstrom, Regional Dairy Educator in Kewaunee, Door and Brown Counties
Search for Excellence Award in Farm and Ranch Business Management
- Katie Wantoch, Farm Management Outreach Specialist
Twenty-Five Year Service Award
- Jerry Clark, Regional Crops Educator in Chippewa, Dunn and Eau Claire Counties
Early Career Achievement Award
- Natasha Paris, Regional Crops Educator in Green Lake, Adams, Marquette and Waushara Counties. The purpose of the Achievement Award program is to encourage and recognize excellence in the field of professional Extension for members with less than ten years of service.
Distinguished Service Award
- Sandy Stuttgen, Taylor County Livestock Educator. The purpose of the Distinguished Service Award Program is to encourage and recognize excellence in the field of professional Extension for members with more than ten years of service, who have conducted outstanding programs, and are held in high esteem by their fellow workers.
WACCA greatly appreciates Sponsors of the WACAA Communications awards including Wisconsin Agriculturist – Fran O’Leary, Hoard’s Dairyman and the Wisconsin Broadcasters Association.