Edible Startup Summit 2020
Entrepreneurs from around the state will gather virtually for a two-day summit November 9 and 10. The Edible Startup Summit focuses on food businesses who are in the early stages of business development.
Entrepreneurs from around the state will gather virtually for a two-day summit November 9 and 10. The Edible Startup Summit focuses on food businesses who are in the early stages of business development.
Information to assist farmers as they make decisions about updates to payroll tax deferral.
The Southwest Wisconsin Groundwater and Geology Study (SWIGG) of Grant, Iowa, and Lafayette Counties completed its fourth and final round of private well sampling to identify fecal sources of contamination. The study began in late 2018 to assess private well water quality in southwest Wisconsin and determine probable sources of any contamination found.
Agricultural diversification is a hot topic right now. The Cutting Edge: A Podcast in Search of New Crops for Wisconsin focuses on a single crop by interviewing researchers, growers, and movers and shakers behind each crop. Current episodes include information about hazelnuts, hops, industrial hemp, Kernza, malting barley, and prairie STRIPS.
National Farm Safety and Health Week is September 20-26, 2020 with a theme of “Every Farmer Counts.” We understood this clearly in early 2020 as we began to see lines at grocery stores and occasional shortages of food and other supplies as a result of challenges to our agricultural, food, manufacturing and distribution supply chains. We also witnessed the impact unique workplace health exposures had among migrant, immigrant, and other workers on farms and in related food and meat processing facilities and how illness connected to workplace exposure could affect all of us!
Farming has always been an unpredictable venture and not for the faint of heart. A series of events beginning in 2015 has put some farmers in precarious financial positions. The Harvest of Hope provides financial help and hope to Wisconsin farm families to help address common farm financial problems
Agronomists, crop consultants and farmers can get timely crop updates from University of Wisconsin-Madison Extension experts by joining bi-weekly Badger Crop Connect webinars.
Given the current climate of the market, it is important for grain producers to gain more control over the sale of their season’s work. University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension with host a webinar on post-harvest grain storage on Aug. 11, 2020 at 9 a.m.
To protect public health during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, many of the annual field days that are typically held at the college’s Agricultural Research Stations during the summer are cancelled.
Dairy Brain, is a UW-Madison project to integrate dairy data to help farmers make useful, real-time decisions.