Issuance of WPDES MS4 General Permit No. WI-S050181-1

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Jim Bertolacini: WDNR’s Storm Water Program Coordinator

Based on the most recent decennial U.S. census, the United State Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) identifies municipalities nationally that lie within designated urbanized areas and municipalities with a population of 10,000 or more people. These municipalities potentially require coverage under an MS4 permit pursuant to the Clean Water Act. USEPA allows states with their own MS4 permit programs, such as Wisconsin, to determine which municipalities require an MS4 permit. In Wisconsin, this proposed general permit is intended to cover municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s) that will be brought into the DNR’s MS4 permit program and that are not currently covered under an MS4 permit. During this webinar, Wisconsin’s proposed general permit was explained, followed by a question and answer period.