You are a Private Applicator if . . .

You use a pesticide to produce an agricultural commodity AND you apply those pesticides on land you or your employer owns or controls.

If BOTH of these are true, click Private Applicator in the menu above.

You are a Commercial Applicator if . . .

You don’t fit the definition of Private Applicator above.

If this is the case, click Commercial Applicator in the menu above.

Posted Information

a group of people attending a meeting.

UW PAT Program Numbers for the 2024 Training Season

The UW PAT Program’s training numbers from the 2024 Fiscal season. July 1st 2023 to July 1st 2024

The letters F, A and Q.

Cancelation of Dicamba Over the Top of XTend® Soybean

The Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection sent out a reminder of this use cancelation.

The lettere F, A and Q on a chalkboard.

Restricted Use Pesticides

In some recent calls, it was identified that some applicators may not know or understand what a restricted-use pesticide is. Understanding this is very important in assuring compliance as an applicator.

Support Extension