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Private – Training Sessions

Private Applicator Training / Review Sessions
Private Applicators can get certified in three categories: General Farming, Fruits Crops or Greenhouse & Nursery.
As a Private Applicator, you have to study the training materials and get certified by passing the private applicator test if you use Restricted-Use Pesticides (RUPs). If you are not going to use RUPs then you do not need to be certified. To receive training and certification, purchase the appropriate manual from the PAT Store and do one of the options below:
1) Study on your own and take the certification exam at a participating County Extension office or take it on a computer at a Pearson VUE testing site. (fee required).
2) Go to a training session offered through the PAT Program or attend county-hosted ZOOM (typically only available Jan- April). The exam will be given at the end of the training session.
3) Sign up for and watch the online training videos, (Register Here) and schedule an exam time at a participating County Extension office or take it take it on a computer at a Pearson VUE testing site. (fee required).
To register for the General Farming online training or a Zoom training select the option you want.
Is there training in my county? Check the calendar below or contact your County Extension Office.
Private Applicator Training Schedule:
Online Training Course
If you can take advantage of it, there is an online training course. Once registered you can take the training at any time. Once the training is completed you will receive a “Completion Receipt” that you will show the test proctor to have your test scored as if attending a training. You will have to watch the full training to receive the receipt. Private applicators seeking Fruit Crops and Greenhouse & Nursery can take the General Farming training and take the Fruit Crops or Greenhouse & Nursery test to get certified in those categories. You must have purchased the training fee with manual to register for online training.
To register, go to the Self-Paced Online Training For Private Applicators.
Zoom Webinar Training
Several Zoom Webinar training in General Farming will be provided during the training season (Jan to April). Registration will be required to attend and get a completed training receipt to provide to the test proctor. Once registered, you will receive a Zoom invite a few days before the Webinar.
In-Person Training with Test
Several in-person training events with the test will be provided during the training season (Jan to April). Registration is required to attend to ensure enough seats are available.
Register for an in-person training event
Please be aware that UW Extension will have to abide by the rules of the University of Wisconsin and their County regarding safety protocols for in-person events. You do not need to attend training; the self-study option is available to get certified.