An example of a map generated by StatsAmerica


StatsAmerica is an extensive and up-to-date collection of data and indices related to economic and community development. The site is also a handy source of Census and other federal data at the County, Place, or MSA level.

Screenshot of PolicyMap with example data for Counties in Wisconsin.


PolicyMap makes one of the most extensive lists of demographic and socio-economic variables accessible in one place—at nearly every level of geography imaginable. Current Census data exists alongside historical data of various types.

Screenshot of a U.S. Census QuickFacts table.

U.S. Census QuickFacts

The U.S. Census’ QuickFacts site provides a customizable table of common demographic and socio-economic statistics for the U.S., individual States and Counties, or cities and towns with populations of more than 5,000 people.

Screenshot of typical output from the Disability Statistics website.

Disability Statistics

Disability Statistics is a state-level database designed to provide policy makers, advocates, journalists, and the public with access to demographic and socio-economic statistics on the non-institutionalized population of the U.S. with disabilities.

Screenshot of typical data from the EPA's EJScreen database mapped for Wisconsin,

EPA’s EJScreen

EJScreen, the EPA’s Environmental Justice Screening and Mapping Tool is designed to highlight places that may have more exposure to health-impacting environmental risks and under-resourced or more vulnerable populations.

Legislative districts in Wisconsin from the LTSB.

LTSB GIS services

The LTSB is the state’s authoritative source of legislative district information, and information about state representatives. Products available for download include district maps, election data, and redistricting data.

WI DPI logo

DPI’s WISEdash Public Portal

The Kids Count Data Center provides a convenient source of Department of Health Services, Department of Public Instruction, U.S. Census, and other data. Tables or maps for many socio-economic indicators that affect the lives of children and adults can be generated and downloaded.