Reinvigorating Local Economies


Source: University of Missouri Extension

Contact: Department of Community Development

Phone: 573-882-8393

Since 2000, the Old North St. Louis Restoration Group, University of Missouri Extension and University of Missouri–St. Louis have partnered to develop a set of initiatives that have contributed to creating a healthy, dynamic and sustainable community.

  • Projects have included development of home ownership and housing revitalization tools, a bike/walking tour, neighborhood DVD and community museum and capacity building and strategic planning support for the local development corporation.
  • With increased capacity and partnerships, the Old North St. Louis Restoration Group has overseen recent community revitalization comprised of new home construction and a $35 million redevelopment project.
  • Residents have gained access to locally grown fruits and vegetables through the development of a farmers market, a community garden and a new grocery cooperative. The new co-op has provided one full-time and two part-time jobs and contracts with about 10 small businesses to supply local coffees, ice cream, fresh produce and other products — adding vendors monthly.

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