Target Audience Database
Findings Navigation
The target audience database is a tool for identifying research-based findings about specific audiences of interest to natural resource scientists and managers. The findings are organized in three general categories, then more specifically within the category. Once you have identified your general area of interest, you can refine your search using one of the categories, and it’s subtopics. Follow the link to learn more about each.
- Audience – such as business/industry water users; famers; households
- Theme – such as evaluation; outreach design; public participation
- Best Education Practices – such as by the individual; by the group; on the web
Findings are derived from research papers describing studies that could claim to identify best education practices (BEPs) for specific audiences. Findings reference studies published from 1988 – 2007. We are in the process of reviewing additional studies and will add study findings as we are able to.
To see the citation for a specific finding or to see other findings from the same citation, click on the specific finding. A list of citations for all studies referenced in the target audience database are listed here.
More information about the target audience database and research
Browse the research findings database, by category:
Browse by Best Education Practice
Browse by multiple topics – we suggest that you practice with one topic before trying a complex search
About target audiences:
Target audience research: purpose, methods, results
How to use target audience information in your education planning