Standard Dates:
The Waushara County Fair is held the third full weekend in August.
Entry procedures:
Each 4-H family and individuals are responsible for going to the fair website at where they will find separate open and junior class entry information and premium books for the online entry process in early June.
Each entrant is responsible for determining which items they are eligible to enter. For 4-H members, please refer to the pages “Relationship of Junior Division Departments of 4-H Projects” in the back of the premium book. Within each of the departments are classes which are based on different project levels for 4-H members and different grade groups for non 4-H members. 4-H members are to enter in the project level they have enrolled in.
As individuals are determining what they would like to enter, the rules at the beginning of the Junior Division and each department should be read so there is a clear understanding of what the projects entail. All animal exhibitors need to refer to the “Animal Health Regulations” at the beginning of the fair book to ensure that all necessary health requirements are met.
Under each class are the options for projects. Each person can enter only one item under each entry number. A person cannot compete against themselves in the judging process.
Entry Deadline:
All entry forms must be received online by the entry date and time as stated in the Rules. This deadline is typically in early July.
Fair rules:
As entrants are preparing their entries for exhibition they are reminded to refer to the rules at the beginning of the junior and/or open division and each department! One example of something that is often missed by new families is the poster size. All posters are to be 14″ by 22″ unless other wise indicated. This does not apply to entries in the photography department as they are not posters. Poster board may be used for mounting but they are not posters. No question is a dumb question!
Entry Times:
Cloverbud and Exploring entries must be brought in for face to face judging on Wednesday from 2-7 pm. All animal entries are to be brought in on Wednesday from 10-7 pm.
Judging Schedule:
This is posted in the front of the fair webpage every year.
Release Times:
Please reference the fair schedule annually to confirm the release times. There is no early release of exhibits. If individuals are not able to pick up their entries, they are asked to have someone else pick them up. Claim tickets must be presented in order to pick up entries.
For a direct link to the Waushara County Fair website click here.
To view a map to the Waushara County Fairgrounds click here.