MoneyBasics2018 provides a general overview of best practices and guidelines for handling 4‐H money.
At the end of the fiscal year, the 4-H Club/Group must complete an audit. The How to Complete the 4-H Club/Group Annual Financial Report page has tools to help you complete an audit.
When a 4-H Club/Group is considering a major expenditure (over $1,000), purchasing capital equipment (an asset with a useful life of more than one year), or accepting a capital equipment gift, the 4‐H Club/Group must secure approval from a 4‐H Youth Development staff member prior to the purchase/acceptance of the item. The Considering Expenditures of Over $1,000, Capital Equipment and Gifts document will help with the decision making process.
The Wisconsin 4-H Club Financial Handbook provides guidelines for volunteer leaders as they support 4-H treasurers and assume responsibility for handling 4-H money. It covers basic financial matters essential for the operation of a 4-H Club or chartered Group.
The 4-H Fundraising Fact-sheet provides the guidelines for fundraising to the support the 4-H program.