You will find many useful resources on this page to help you complete your 4-H Club/Group Annual Financial Report.
This excel document, the Club Treasurers Report will help you keep track of your expenses each month and at the end of the year, will automatically generate the Annual Financial Report, which you can then copy into the charter document. In essence, this spreadsheet is both check register and treasurer’s report. For a club, it is recommended that the youth treasurer and the adult adviser to the treasurer both maintain a copy of this spreadsheet.
If you prefer paper-based accounting, you will find the following resources useful:
Tips on Completing Annual Financial Report
The Sample 4-H Club Checkbook Ledger shows how to complete a check register.
The Sample 4-H Club Financial Report for 2012-13 Fiscal Year is an example of what a completed financial report page of the charter looks like. This Sample 4-H club tally chart for 2012-13 Financial Report was used to fill out the sample financial report.
You can use the Tally Chart for the Annual Financial Report TEMPLATE to help you categorize and keep track of your income and expenses. The information can then be entered directly into the financial report page of the charter.
4-H Audit Tools
All 4-H Clubs and chartered Groups must have their financial accounts audited. The reviewer or auditor checks and verifies all financial accounts and activities at the end of the fiscal year or when a new treasurer takes office.