1. The next Plan Commissioner Network meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 29, 2013 @ the Town of Menasha Municipal Building, 2000 Municipal Drive Neenah, WI.
Our discussion topic will be Recycling and Solid waste/garbage options for towns, and we will have special guests with us. We will meet from 6:30-8:00pm. Please spread the word!
2. Local Land Use Planning and Zoning Teleconference Series continues through May 2013. Click here for the brochure. You may attend in person at the Winnebago County UWEX office, or purchase the materials bundle for review at your convenience. Registration is $20 per session. Registration information is in the brochure. All programs run from 10:30am-noon.
- January 16, 2013 – GIS for Planning, Zoning and Economic Development
- February 20, 2013 -Sand and Non-metallic mining update
- March 20, 2013 – Wetland Law and Permitting
- April 10, 2013 – Legislation and Case Law update
- May 15, 2013 – Hearing Zoning Appeals and Variances
3. Its not too late to meet your Board of Review Certification! Classes coming up in April and May — https://fyi.extension.wisc.edu/localgovcenter/2013/03/22/board-of-review-training-returns-for-2013-meeting-your-certification-requirement/4
4. Towns Officials Workshops coming up! Check the brochure for locations and dates. This is a one-day workshop by Local Government Center and Wisconsin Towns Association. The nearest one will be in Green Bay on May 15th.
5. New Resource – “Losing Ground: Tracking the Rate of Farmland Loss in Wisconsin Counties 1992-2010. Click here for a free color pdf file.
Please subscribe to this site! I have converted the old Plan Commissioner Website into a new format. You’ll find the same information, past meeting materials, and announcements here as on the old site. A new feature of this site is the ability for you to subscribe to the site. This feature will make it much easier for me to send these updates to you and keep my email list current. By subscribing you will receive an email when there is new material posted (usually about once a month). Simply enter your email into the subscribe box on the right. I will not use your email for any other purpose.