1. The next Plan Commissioner Network meetings are scheduled for September 24 @ the Town of Utica, and October 29 @ the Town of Winchester, 6:30-8:00pm. Here are our discussion topics:
Wednesday, September 24, 2014 – our discussion topic will be “Older and elder care in rural areas”. Christine Kniep, UW-Extension Family Living Educator will be our guest that night and will provide an overview of a program “Aging Friendly Communities”. The fact that more people are living longer makes it important for communities where they live to become “aging-friendly”. There are fourteen areas of community living that affect the quality of life of older persons and are considered characteristics of an “aging-friendly” community. If you want to preview some features of aging-friendly communities before the meeting, click here.
NEW TOPIC – note that this topic has changed. Wednesday, October 29, 2014 – our new discussion topic will be “Updating and amending your Comprehensive Plan”. State planning statute requires communities to update their Comprehensive Plans every 10 years. Towns that haven’t begun this process should start thinking about how they will approach this. Cary Rowe, County Zoning Administrator and Brian O’Rourke, County Planner, will join us to discuss the County’s Plan Update process and considerations for towns updating their own plans. A Plan update can be considered a good opportunity to look at new issues and trends facing your town, your vision and goals for your community, and new ideas and approaches to integrate into your work.
2. Special personal leadership development session, Monday, October 20, 2014, 6-8pm. – “What’s your Color? Understanding yourself and others for better communication and effective meetings.” Being a leader includes understanding your own leadership styles and skills. This session will use the Real Colors ® assessment tool to help you better understand your personal temperament and how it influences your communication and team work styles. Understanding your own style, and the styles of others, is helpful in improving communication skills, understanding conflict, and leading effective meetings.
This session will help you understand yourself by using a research-based temperament assesment called Real Colors® (www.realcolors.org). This session will be facilitated by Catherine Neiswender, UW-Extension, Real Colors® Certified Facilitator. This is a discussion based, fun, interactive session. Participants will receive their own Real Colors® assessment booklet.
Registration is required no later than October 13, 2014. Cost is $10 for materials. To register, click here or call 920-232-1972. There is a minimum of 16 and a maximum of 30 participants required for this workshop. This workshop is open to all local elected and appointed officials.
3. Looking Ahead — Mark your calendars for May 18, 2015 for a Plan Commissioner ‘101’ Orientation training. This workshop will be targeted to new Plan Commissioners and those wanting a refresher.
I look forward to seeing everyone at upcoming Network meetings!