October 2014
1. Thank you for the great conversation last week in the Town of Utica on aging-friendly communities!
Our guest Chris Kniep began by asking the group to think about what their town offered to seniors. There were many great examples of how towns provide social events, opportunities to connect with others, and how neighbors take care of neighbors.
Chris then led the group through a discussion about the demographic trends we are seeing in the state and Winnebago County. We all know we’re an aging society, but did you know that…
- More people are living to 90 years of age
- Wisconsin will start looking like Florida with respect to the number of people over 65 by 2035
- These changes impact our workforce and our housing needs
Are communities prepared to meet the unique needs of adults between 65-80, over 80 and even those 100+ years of age? We then discussed the 13 key aspects of an aging-friendly community. These are found in the packet materials linked on this site.
Other big ideas:
- People want to age in place, especially after the age of 65. If people want to move they typically do so before turning 65.
- Most older adults don’t express what their needs are. A community assessment tool is a great way to uncover your town’s strengths and opportunities for making improvements that benefit your seniors and elders.
If you missed the conversation, the meeting materials are posted here.
2. The Next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, October 29, 2014 from 6:30-8:00pm at the Town of Winchester Town Hall, 8522 Park Way, Larsen WI. This is our last meeting of the year. Our discussion topic will be “Updating and amending your Comprehensive Plan”. State planning statute requires communities to update their Comprehensive Plans every 10 years. Towns that haven’t begun this process should start thinking about how they will approach this. Cary Rowe, County Zoning Administrator and Brian O’Rourke, County Planner, will join us to discuss the County’s Plan Update process and considerations for towns updating their own plans. A Plan update can be considered a good opportunity to look at new issues and trends facing your town, your vision and goals for your community, and new ideas and approaches to integrate into your work.
3. DON’T FORGET – Special personal leadership development session, Monday, October 20, 2014, 6-8pm. – “What’s your Color? Understanding yourself and others for better communication and effective meetings.” Being a leader includes understanding your own leadership styles and skills. This session will use the Real Colors ® assessment tool to help you better understand your personal temperament and how it influences your communication and team work styles. Understanding your own style, and the styles of others, is helpful in improving communication skills, understanding conflict, and leading effective meetings.
This session will help you understand yourself by using a research-based temperament assesment called Real Colors® (www.realcolors.org). This session will be facilitated by Catherine Neiswender, UW-Extension, Real Colors® Certified Facilitator. This is a discussion based, fun, interactive session. Participants will receive their own Real Colors® assessment booklet.
Registration is required no later than October 13, 2014. Cost is $10 for materials. To register, click here or call 920-232-1972. There is a minimum of 16 and a maximum of 30 participants required for this workshop. This workshop is open to all local elected and appointed officials.