1. The Plan Commissioner Network will resume Wednesday, August 26th, 6:30-8:00pm. Location: Town of Vinland Town Hall, 6085 County Rd T
Discussion Topic: “Lot Sizes” – basics, variations, impacts, and using lot sizes to meet community goals. Bring your experiences and questions for the group!
Our last Plan Commissioner Network meeting of 2015 is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday October 28th. Location TBD
2. Summer 2015 Land Use Tracker – Articles include:
- A Closer Look at Local Government: The Who, What and How of Local Plan Commissions
- Statewide Parcel Database for Wisconsin Now Available Online
- Groundwater: Diminishing Resource, Increasing Conflict
- Calendar of Events
You may view or download the newsletter at: www.uwsp.edu/cnr-ap/clue/Pages/publications-resources/LandUseTracker.aspx
3. East Central Wisconsin Regional plan Commission is now seeking member community/county technical assistance project requests for inclusion in our 2016 Work Program. Small-scale planning and GIS mapping projects are solicited and pre-selected during the prior year (i.e. fall of 2015 for 2016 projects) under the following program areas:
General Planning (Comprehensive planning, plan implementation, etc.)
- Economic Development (Grant assistance, funding identification, and industrial park planning/conceptual layouts.)
- Transportation (Local road and street issues, traffic forecasts/analyses, PASER inventories, sign inventories, Safe Routes to School, bicycle and pedestrian planning, etc.)
- Community Facilities/Infrastructure (Sewer, water, stormwater, utilities, etc.)
- Park, Open Space and Recreation (Recreation plan, trail plan, park site planning, etc.)
- Environmental Management (Wetland, floodplain, farmland, conservation, etc.)
- Demographic Services (Census data, trend analysis/interpretation, and housing studies/assessments.)
- Geographic Information Systems (Data development, custom mapping, map updates, and tourism/marketing materials.)
Please confer with your community’s department heads and/or Board/Council, Plan Commission, and Park and Recreation Committee on this opportunity over the next several months and provide no more than two project priorities for consideration. Please note that projects listed should be of small scale, localized in nature, and typically should not take more than three to five days of staff time to complete (approx. 24-40 hours total – excluding travel time and night meetings). To complete this form online visit: http://www.ecwrpc.org/2015/07/29/2016-technical-assistance-project-requests/. Project requests should be submitted to the Commission no later than 4:00 p.m. on Friday, October 23rd, 2015.
4. New publication focuses on Housing Trends in Wisconsin — http://www.uwsp.edu/cnr-ap/clue/Pages/publications-resources/LandUseMegatrends.aspx