REMINDER – October 29 Plan Commissioner Network Meeting

REMINDER – The Next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, October 29, 2014 from 6:30-8:00pm at the Town of Winchester Town Hall, 8522 Park Way, Larsen WI.  This is our last meeting of the year.   Our discussion topic will be “Updating and amending your Comprehensive Plan”.   State planning statute requires communities to update their Comprehensive Plans every […]


Leadership Development for Local Officials – CANCELLED/POSTPONED

Cancelled and Postponed until early 2015 Apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused.  My goal is to schedule this in early 2015. Special personal leadership development session, Monday, October 20, 2014, 6-8pm. – “What’s your Color? Understanding yourself and others for better communication and effective meetings.”   Being a leader includes understanding your own leadership […]


Aging friendly Communities – September 2014

Discussion outline (pdf) Information on Wisconsin aging demographics There are many good resources at this link — Blueprint for Action: Developing a Livable Community for All Ages (pdf) Community Assessment (online or download a paper copy) for aging-friendly communities Questions arose during our discussion about Universal Design.  Here are a couple of links to further information about […]


Plan Commissioner Information and Resources – October 2014

October 2014 1. Thank you for the great conversation last week in the Town of Utica on aging-friendly communities! Our guest Chris Kniep began by asking the group to think about what their town offered to seniors. There were many great examples of how towns provide social events, opportunities to connect with others, and how […]


Plan Commissioner Information and Resources – September 2014

1.   REMINDER – The next Plan Commissioner Network meeting  is scheduled for September 24 @ the Town of Utica Town Hall, 6:30-8:00pm.  Here are our discussion topics: Wednesday, September 24, 2014  – our discussion topic will be “Older and elder care in rural areas”.  Christine Kniep, UW-Extension Family Living Educator will be our guest that night and […]


Special Announcement – Comprehensive Planning Public meetings scheduled

Three regional public meetings have been scheduled as a kick-off to the Winnebago County Comprehensive Planning 10- year update project. Citizens and local officials are encouraged to attend to learn about the process and provide input on the vision for the county, county issues, and land use.   While anyone can attend any meeting, each meeting is targeted […]


Plan Commissioner Information and Resources – August 2014

1.   The next Plan Commissioner Network meetings are scheduled for September 24 @ the Town of Utica, and October 29 @ the Town of Winchester, 6:30-8:00pm.  Here are our discussion topics: Wednesday, September 24, 2014  – our discussion topic will be “Older and elder care in rural areas”.  Christine Kniep, UW-Extension Family Living Educator will […]


Plan Commissioner Network Information and Resources – June 2014

 1. The May 28, 2014  Plan Commissioner Network materials on Shared Government Services are now posted!  Click here.  It was a great discussion- thank you all for participating!  A special thanks to Matt Parmentier for joining us again and providing his perspective on the use of Shared services agreements to achieve local government shared goals.  […]


Shared Services – May 2014

Discussion outline Shared Services Resources provided byMatt Parmentier, (from the firm of Edgarton, ST. Peter, Petak & Rosenfeldt in Fond du Lac, WI).  Matt’s document includes an overview and several exhibits with examples of shared service agreements, listed below. Exhibit A – Statutory authority for intergovernmental cooperation Exhibit B – Simple maintenance agreement between town and […]


REMINDER – Plan Commissioner Network meeting tonight!

REMINDER – Our next Plan Commissioner Network meeting is Tonight! Wednesday, May 28, 2014 from 6:30-8pm at the Town of Neenah Town Hall, 1600 Breezewood Lane Discussion Topic: Shared services – best practices, ideas for shared services, and more! Our guest will be Matt Parmentier, attorney with Edgarton, St Peter, Petak & Rosenfeldt. Questions? Contact Catherine […]