Age Friendly NYC is New York City’s plan to sustain and enhance its age-friendliness for its growing population of seniors. The plan grew out of extensive dialogue with older New Yorkers, as well as leaders from the academic, private and non-profit sectors about what older people need and want from an age-friendly city.
This program has 59 specific initiatives focused on four areas: community and civic participation, housing, public spaces and transportation, and health and social services.
Their most recent report (2013) can be accessed online: 59 Initiatives Age-Friendly NYC. The report clearly lists the initiatives by the 4 topic areas (listed above and named in the margin of the page), under additional subheadings (i.e. employment and economic security, volunteerism, etc.), and a brief written status. The colored bar on the report highlights whether the initiative is fully launched (green) ongoing (purple) needs more work (yellow) or suspended (red).
This list could be helpful for generating ideas usable in Wisconsin and other places across the country.