Call for Partnership Projects GLBFHP 2014 Funding Final
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) anticipates receiving a combination of base funded appropriations and the Administration’s Great Lakes Restoration Initiative in FY 2014 to support the Great Lakes Basin Fish Habitat Partnership (GLBFHP) and its efforts to complete on-the-ground, fish habitat protection, restoration, and enhancement projects. The Service and the GLBFHP recognize that a substantial amount of the protection, restoration and enhancement of fish habitat will be done at the local level by local watershed associations, municipalities, tribes, states and non-governmental organizations. The Service and the GLBFHP will work with organizations to encourage local conservation actions that fit within the GLBFHP’s Strategic Plan priorities.
A “project” is defined as an action that will protect, restore or enhance Great Lakes fish habitat. Project proposals will be reviewed and ranked by a subcommittee of the GLBFHP. The Service will use the recommendations provided to them by the GLBFHP in making final decisions regarding project funds, and anticipates making final decisions regarding project selection by early spring 2014.
Please use the following guidelines in this RFP to submit your proposal using the online application at by October 30, 2013. For questions, please email or call Michele Wheeler, Service, at 715-682-6185, ext. 19.