Throughout the Great Lakes region, a very tall, densely growing grass known as Phragmites australis or common reed grass, has taken over areas of roadsides, wetlands and lake shorelines. Over the last few years, a great deal of work has been done to try to control large patches of the non-native invasive strain of this species, particularly on the shores of Lake Michigan and Green Bay. These large scale control projects can take a lot of time and resources, but if phragmites populations are
Sediment Clean up update:
The contractors are in the process of setting up construction trailers, mobilizing equipment and preparing the staging areas. Staging areas will be surrounded by fencing and will include a dewatering pad and wastewater treatment facility.
We have started constructing cofferdams, or temporary enclosures, around sediment removal areas in the upper most section of the Milwaukee River. We will pump out the water from the removal areas, so that the sediment can be excavated