Sampling and Evaluating Total Mixed Rations

Sampling and Evaluating Total Mixed Rations by Patrick C. Hoffman Introduction New laboratory tests are now available to evaluate total diet NDF digestibility (NDFD) and provide laboratory energy estimates for total mixed rations (TMRs). Laboratory TMR evaluation can be used to cross check possible errors associated with formulating and mixing TMRs or can be used to […]


Forage Sampling Frequency as Influenced by Dairy Herd Size

Forage Sampling Frequency as Influenced by Dairy Herd Size by Pat Hoffman, Randy Shaver, and Paul Dyk Introduction The practice of forage sampling and analysis has long been the foundation for dairy nutrition consulting and ration formulation. As the forage and dairy production industries have evolved, forage sampling/analysis has become integral not only for ration formulation, but […]


Getting the Most from the Mower-Conditioner

Getting the Most from the Mower-Conditioner by Kevin J. Shinners, Professor of Agricultural Engineering Department of Biological Systems Engineering University of Wisconsin-Madison Introduction A successful harvest of high quality forage starts with the proper use and set-up of the mower-conditioner.  A key factor in achieving a high quality harvest is productivity – getting the crop cut […]


Successful Wrapping and Storage of Square Bales

Successful Wrapping and Storage of Square Bales Dan Undersander and Tim Wood, University of Wisconsin and William Foster, Consultant Medium square bales (800 to 1000 lb) are increasingly being used across the northern dairy regions to reduce the labor associated with hay and haylage making.  If making hay, these bales need to have 2 to […]


Pasture Species Selection for Sheep

Pasture Species Selection for Sheep by Dan Undersander, UW-Extension Forage Agronomist Pasture and hay forage crops generally fall into four categories: Legumes Cool Season Grasses Warm Season Grasses Alternative/annual forages The last category includes many perennials crops, such as rape, kale, comfrey, and all annual forage crops, such as sudangrass, sorghum, and various millets. None of […]


Alpaca Pastures in Wisconsin

Alpaca Pastures in Wisconsin by Dan Undersander, UW-Extension Forage Agronomist Centuries ago, the Inca began raising alpacas for their soft and luxurious fleece.  They pastured their animals in the lowland meadows and marshlands called bofedales, at an elevation of about 4,000 feet above sea level.  The alpaca’s native region has a very short growing season with 75% […]


Working Successfully with a Custom Operator

    Working Successfully with a Custom Operator Joe Stellato and John Biese, Crops and Soils Agents Shawano and Outagamie County UW-Extension, respectively Introduction The economics of farming today requires that dairy operators invest only in capital assets that produce a high rate of return on investment (ROI). Large, expensive pieces of farm machinery which […]


Large Baler Research and Storage Ideas

Large Baler Research and Storage Ideas by Ronald T. Schuler, Extension Agricultural Engineer Many alfalfa producers look to harvest their alfalfa as intermediate (about 30 inches × 30 inches × 5 feet) square bales. This is an excellent method for handling dry alfalfa hay especially if it is going to be marketed. Because the intermediate square bales are denser […]


Equipment to Rake and Merge Hay and Forage

Equipment to Rake and Merge Hay and Forage K.J. Shinners and R.T. Schuler Today, hay and forage producers have a wide variety of equipment options for raking and merging swaths or windrows.  Selecting the proper equipment and operating it correctly will help to ensure high quality forage and a cost effective harvesting system. Several studies […]