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Variety & Species Selection
University of Wisconsin Forage Variety Performance Results
This link takes you to results from the most recent UW forage variety testing information. It is viewable as html or downloadable as a .pdf file in the form of UW Extension bulletin A1525 (Perennial Forage Variety Update for Wisconsin).
Growing high-quality grasses for dairy rations requires attention to detail
A Fact Sheet with advice on growing grasses as an intentional source of high quality forage for dairy rations.
Marketers and Traits for Cool-Season Grass Varieties
Comparing Cool Season Grasses
by yield
by grazing intake and palatability
Harvested yields, grazing intake yields, and palatability of cool-season grasses as tested in University of Wisconsin field trials, 1996 to present
Forage Fescues in the Northern USA
A publication from the UW Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems and authored by M. Casler et. al
A Bright Future for Grasses
by Mike Casler, USDA Dairy Forage Res. Ctr. Grass Breeder, for the 2005 Wisconsin Fertilizer, Ag Lime, and Pest Management Conference
Sorghums, Sudangrasses, and Sorghum-Sudan Hybrids
A “Focus on Forage” fact sheet written by Dan Undersander, UW-Extension Forage Agronomist
Pasture Species Selection for Sheep
by Dr. Dan Undersander, UW Extension Forage Agronomist
Selecting a Good Grass Variety
by Dr. Dan Undersander, UW Extension Forage Agronomist
Ryegrass Types for Pasture and Hay
by Dan Undersander and Michael Casler, University of Wisconsin Extension
Alfalfa-Grass Mixtures
ppt presentation by Dan Undersander, UW Extension and Research Forage Agronomist
Identifying Pasture Grasses
UWEX Bulletin A3637
Should Calcium Be Applied to Wisconsin Soils?
A “Focus on Forage” fact sheet written by John Peters (retired) and Keith Kelling (emeritus), UW Extension Soil Scientists.
Soil Fertility Influences on Cation Levels in Forages
A “Focus on Forage” fact sheet written by John Peters (retired) and Keith Kelling (emeritus), UW Extension Soil Scientists.
Nutrient Application Guidelines for Field, Vegetable and Fruit Crops
UW Extension Bulletin A2809 – available for viewing only in a .pdf format. Provides current soil test and fertilizer recommendations for all field crops (including most grasses).
Establishment & Management
Management and Production Potential for Eastern Gamagrass in Wisconsin
A “Focus on Forage” fact sheet by Wayne Coblentz, USDA-ARS, Marshfield, et. al
Getting a Good Forage Stand
A “Focus on Forage” fact sheet written by Dan Undersander, UW-Extension Forage Agronomist
Italian Ryegrass as a Companion for Alfalfa Seeding
A “Focus on Forage” fact sheet written by Nick Schneider, former Winnebago Co. Agricultural Agent and others.
Frost Seeding of Forages
by Dr. Dan Undersander, UW Extension Forage Agronomist
Frost Seeding Forages into Established Pastures
Mike Rankin, Extension Crops and Soils Agent – Fond du Lac County, et. al.
Establishing and Managing Switchgrass
by Dr. Dan Undersander, UW Extension Forage Agronomist, Mark Renz, UW Extension Weed Scientist, and Mike Casler, USDA Dairy Forage Researcher
Pure Live Seed
by Dr. Dan Undersander, UW Extension Forage Agronomist
Seeding Rate and Date for Forages in Wisconsin
developed by UW Extension Agents
Overseeding Ryegrass on Pasture
by Dan Undersander, Carl Fredericks, and Laura Paine, University of Wisconsin and Grassworks, Inc.
Frost Seeding Legumes and Grasses into Established Pastures
by Mike Rankin, University of Wisconsin-Extension
Establishing and Managing Switchgrass
by M. Renz, D. Undersander, and M. Casler of UW Extension in cooperation with SW Badger Resource Conservation & Development Council, Inc., USDA-NRCS, and Better Environmental Solutions
Fall Seeding Grasses
by Dr. Dan Undersander, UW Extension Forage Agronomist
Grazing Stockpiled Forage
by Dan Undersander, UW Extension Forage Agronomist
Forage Quality and Feeding Management for Eastern Gamagrass in Wisconsin
A “Focus on Forage” fact sheet by Wayne Coblentz, USDA-ARS, Marshfield, et. al
Grass Forages and Magnesium Status of Dairy Cattle
by Pat Hoffman (emeritus), UW Extension Dairy Scientist and John Peters (retired), UW Extension Soil Scientist. A “Focus on Forage” Fact Sheet.
Heat Damaged Forages: Effects on Forage Quality
by Wayne Coblentz, US Dairy Forage Research Center, and Pat Hoffman (emeritus), UW Extension Dairy Scientist. A “Focus on Forage” Fact Sheet.
Effects of bale moisture and bale diameter on spontaneous heating, dry matter recovery, in vitro true digestibility, and in situ disappearance kinetics of alfalfa-orchardgrass hays
by Wayne Coblentz, US Dairy Forage Research Center, and Pat Hoffman (emeritus), UW Extension Dairy Scientist.
Effects of spontaneous heating on fiber composition, fiber digestibility, and in situ disappearance kinetics of neutral detergent fiber for alfalfa-orchardgrass hays
by Wayne Coblentz, US Dairy Forage Research Center, and Pat Hoffman (emeritus), UW Extension Dairy Scientist.
Incorporating Grass into Silages for Dairy Cows
by Jim Leverich, Dave Combs, Randy Shaver and Dan Undersander
Performance of Lactating Dairy Cows Fed Alfalfa Silage or Perennial Ryegrass Silage
by Pat Hoffman (emeritus), UW Extension Dairy Scientist, Marshfield Ag Research Station
Development of a Novel System to Estimate Protein Degradability in Legume and Grass Silages
by Pat Hoffman (emeritus), UW Extension Dairy Scientist, Marshfield Ag Research Station
Palatability of Cool Season Grasses
Tall fescue and Kura clover for dairy and beef stockers
a research brief from the UW Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems
Nitrate Poisoning in Cattle, Sheep and Goats
Written by several UW-Extension Forage and Animal Specialists