Improving Forage and TMR Bunk Life
by Jim Leverich and Randy Shaver
Forages and total mix rations (TMRs) that begin heating after they are fed can lower dry matter intake and animal performance. Proper management during ensiling and feeding can minimize heating in the feed bunk and improve palatability.
What causes feed to heat in a bunk?
During the ensiling process, bacteria ferment silage sugars to lactic acid. The lactic acid is responsible for lowering silage pH. Any
Agronomic Considerations for
Molds and Mycotoxins in Corn Silage
by Mike Rankin and Craig Grau
Mycotoxins have long been a concern to livestock producers when environmental conditions during the growing season were conducive to mold growth on the field crop. Mycotoxins are now more frequently being associated with crops like corn silage that include not just grain but a high percentage of stalks and stover. Recently, mycotoxins in corn silage have been identified with dairy