Presentations: An orientation to the issues —
This page includes embedded documents and recordings of presentations from the May 17, 2013 Public Research Symposium, held at UW Fox Valley in Menasha, WI. The UW Fox Valley meeting was one of two public research symposia held in May 2013 and focused on: what do we know, what do we need to know, and how might we answer remaining questions? These public research symposia were intended to 1) help establish a common basis of information for workgroup participants and other interested stakeholders, and 2) help identify the set of issues for the workgroup to address.
Meetings were held on May 9, 2013 at UW Stevens Point and May 17, 2013 at UW Fox Valley. Recordings of the presentations from the May 17th meeting are available through the links below, along with copies of presentation handouts for the meeting.
Agenda and presentations from the May 17, 2013 Public Research Symposium
9:00 Symposium begins: Welcome and introduction – Ken Genskow, UW-Madison [link to handouts] | |
9:10 Overview of manure management processes and technology for manure irrigation – Becky Larson, UW-Madison [link to handouts] | |
9:50 Overview of public health issues – Mark Borchardt, USDA-Agricultural Research Service [link to handouts] | |
10:30 Overview of environmental regulatory issues – Andrew Craig, Wisconsin DNR [link to handouts] | |
10:50 Break (10 minutes) | |
11:00 Presentation of current Wisconsin research on airborne pathogen transport and pathogen reduction by digestion – Becky Larson & Mark Borchardt [link to handouts] | |
11:30 Comments from multiple perspectives regarding benefits, concerns, & remaining questions related to manure irrigation
12:00 General discussion, questions and answers, and suggestions for the workgroup agenda.
1:00 Close
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