Contact: Carrie Laboski, 608-263-2795,

Carrie Laboski, Extension soils scientist at UW-Madison, leads a field tour at the 2018 Agronomy/Soils Field Day.
Learn the latest in agronomic research – including research on industrial hemp – being conducted by University of Wisconsin-Madison researchers at the 2019 Agronomy and Soils Field Day hosted by UW-Madison Departments of Agronomy and Soil Science on Aug. 28 at the Arlington Agricultural Research Station.
Morning field tours will emphasize soil, crop, and pest management practices that promote soil health, improve farm profitability, and enhance environmental quality. A lunch time presentation will focus on navigating today’s dairy industry.
A special afternoon session will focus on industrial hemp, including a tour of the UW industrial hemp research plots, where researchers will share field observations and showcase organic weed management, conventional fertility and variety trial studies focused on fiber and grain production. An update on cannabidiol (CBD) research will also be provided.
UW-Madison College of Agricultural and Life Sciences researchers and Division of Extension specialists will host field tours that depart from the Public Events Facility at 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Tour topics are:
— Soil Fertility and Management: can we conserve N from early fall manure applications; comparing tillage practices for corn: is there a difference in early crop development; fertilization on a budget; and cover crops and nitrogen.
— Grain Production Systems: corn plant populations: the second most important management decision for moving off the yield curve; crop rotation, cover crops, planting green and the microbiome: a gaggle of Coolbean information; a small grains variety selector tool; and Kernza perennial grain: a new opportunity for Wisconsin farmers.
— Pest Management: herbicide resistance in Wisconsin agronomic crops; To Bt or not to Bt: is that your question; soybean cyst nematode coalition: what’s your number; and disease management updates in Wisconsin agronomic crops.
Between tours, visit with specialists from the UW Soil & Forage Analysis Lab, Nutrient & Pest Management Program, SnapPlus, and Pesticide Applicator Training. Posters highlighting additional research will also be displayed. Certified Crop Advisor continuing education credits are being requested.
The field day starts at 8 a.m. and concludes at 2:45 p.m. The event will be held rain or shine. The Public Events Building at the Arlington Ag Research Station is located at N695 Hopkins Rd, Arlington. Watch for signs on Hwy 51 about 5 miles south of Arlington. GPS coordinates: 43.300467, -89.345534. Certified Crop Advisors: 6.5 CEU credits requested.
Please RSVP at Sigma Alpha Agricultural Sorority will provide lunch ($5 donation).
The College of Agricultural and Life Sciences will make a reasonable effort to provide accommodations for participants with disabilities when notified in advance. To request a disability accommodation, please contact 608-846-3761 ext. 101 or at least 10 days in advance of event. Efforts will be made to meet same day requests to the extent possible.