Private – Categories

barrels full of red apples

To become certified as a private applicator to apply restricted-use pesticides in Wisconsin you must purchase training materials and take a certification exam. Once you pass the exam you will be certified for 5 years. Every 5 years you must recertify if you plan to continue spraying RUP pesticides. The recertification process is the same as doing it for the first time.

For most farm workers the General Farm manual is the base category you should choose. If you specialize in Fruit only or Greenhouse/Nursery only you may choose either the General Farm Manual or one of the specialized manuals if you prefer.

Using a drone to make spray applications requires certification in the Aerial Sub-Category in addition to a base category. It also requires additional FAA certifications.

Base Categories

Cover of the General Farming, Category 100/101, manual.

General Farming Manual

Private Category 100 / 101
9th edition, effective 2023-2027

You can purchase this manual in our online store, or download a Mail Order Form to pay with a check. We cannot take phone orders.

Pesticide Applications / Application Sites

You are a Private Applicator IF you apply or direct the use of restricted use* pesticides for the purpose of producing an agricultural commodity** AND the applications occur on land owned or rented by you or your employer, or on someone else’s land for exchange of goods or services (not money) between agricultural producers. (i.e. A Farmer)

This category includes farmers and people who work for farmers. This category covers both Fruit Crops and Greenhouse & Nursery and can be used instead of those books.

If you do not use/purchase Restricted Use Pesticides* you do not need to be certified.

100/101 General Farm – Appendixes

Disease ManagementInsect Pest ManagementPesticide Laws & RegulationsPrinciples of Pest ManagementRodent & Pest Bird ManagementWeed ManagementRecord Keeping

the cover of the greenhouse manual

Greenhouse & Nursery Manual

Private Category 104 / 105
5th edition, effective 2019-2023

You can purchase this manual in our online store, or download a Mail Order Form to pay with a check. We cannot take phone orders.

Pesticide Applications / Application Sites

You are a Private Applicator IF you apply or direct the use of restricted use* pesticides for the purpose of producing an agricultural commodity** AND the applications occur on land owned or rented by you or your employer, or on someone else’s land for exchange of goods or services (not money) between agricultural producers. (i.e. A Farmer)

This category is for private applicators who want to use Restricted Use Pesticides* in a Greenhouse and/or Nursery operation.

If you do not use/purchase Restricted Use Pesticides you do not need to be certified.

the cover of the fruit crop manual

Fruit Crops Manual

Private Category 112 / 113
8th edition, effective 2019-2023

You can purchase this manual in our online store, or download a Mail Order Form to pay with a check. We cannot take phone orders.

Pesticide Applications / Application Sites

You are a Private Applicator IF you apply or direct the use of restricted use* pesticides for the purpose of producing an agricultural commodity** AND the applications occur on land owned or rented by you or your employer, or on someone else’s land for exchange of goods or services (not money) between agricultural producers. (i.e. A Farmer)

This category is for private applicators who want to use Restricted Use Pesticides* for the production of fruit crops, small fruits, cranberry marshes, tree fruits, and nuts as agricultural commodities.

If you do not use/purchase Restricted Use Pesticides you do not need to be certified.

*Restricted Use Pesticides have the potential to cause unreasonable adverse effects to the environment and injury to applicators or bystanders without added restrictions. Only a certified applicator can apply a Restricted-Use Pesticide. [ EPA information on RUPs ]

**Agricultural Commodity means any plant or part of a plant, animal, or animal product produced by a person primarily for sale, consumption, propagation, or other use by humans or animals. “Agricultural commodity” includes industrial hemp. [ 94.67(2) ]


Cover of the Soil Fumigation, Category 25/107, manual.

Soil Fumigation Manual

Private Category 107
3rd edition, effective 2023-2027

You can purchase this manual in our online store, or download a Mail Order Form to pay with a check. We cannot take phone orders.

Pesticide Applications / Application Sites

This category is for all applicators that fumigate soil, greenhouse soil, and potting mixes. If a soil fumigant is applied by chemigation, you also need to certify in the Chemigation subcategory.

Certification in this subcategory does not cover the use of non-soil fumigants (since Jan. 2013). Private applicators must certify in commercial category 7.2 Space & Commodity Fumigation in order to use non-soil fumigants, (e.g., phosphine in a grain bin).

Applicators must obtain certification in a base category before becoming certified in this category.

Cover of the Chemigation, Sub-Category 26/109, manual.

Chemigation Manual

Private Category 109
6th edition, effective 2023-2027

You can purchase this manual in our online store, or download a Mail Order Form to pay with a check. We cannot take phone orders.

Pesticide Applications / Application Sites

This category is for those making applications of pesticides through a chemigation system — a device that mixes irrigation water and pesticide, (e.g., center pivot or drip irrigation systems). It also covers the operation of an urban pesticide misting system that draws water from any source, (e.g., mosquito misting systems). This subcategory does not include hand-held hose-end sprayers and hand-held greenhouse proportioners. If you apply soil fumigants through chemigation equipment you must also become certified in the Soil Fumigation subcategory.

Applicators must obtain certification in a base category before becoming certified in this category.

Cover of the Aerial Application, Category 9.9/111, manual.

Aerial Application Manual

Private Category 111
6th edition, effective 2023-2027

You can purchase this manual in our online store, or download a Mail Order Form to pay with a check. We cannot take phone orders.

Pesticide Applications / Application Sites

This category is for those using airplanes, helicopters, or unmanned aircraft systems (drones) to apply any pesticide. Includes operation of aircraft by remote control. You must hold a valid pilot’s license for manned systems or FAA qualifications for operating unmanned aircraft systems. If making aquatic applications you must meet DNR permit requirements for aquatic applications (contact your Regional DNR Office for permit requirements).

Applicators must obtain certification in a base category before becoming certified in this category.

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