Dairy Goats

What is this Project About?

The dairy industry is one of the foundations of United States agriculture. Most think of only dairy cattle when they think of animals that produce dairy products. Think again! Goat’s milk is a popular dairy commodity. Dairy goats produce products such as soaps, lotions, cheese and milk. The 4-H goat project can provide you with the opportunity to learn about selection, management, health, marketing and careers in the goat industry.

Grow in Your Project

Starting Out

  • Learn basic knowledge about dairy goats
  • Know your dairy goat breeds
  • Find out if owning and showing dairy goats is right for you
  • Learn to keep records
  • Research where to find answers to your dairy questions

Learning More

  • Set goals related to your dairy goat project
  • Ramp up your judging skills
  • Learn about goat reproducing and the kidding process
  • Learn about disbudding, deworming, trimming, and tattooing
  • Identify sick animals, treatments, and how to prevent disease

Going Further

  • Learn body condition scoring
  • Debate animal welfare issues
  • Use records to make herd management decisions
  • Balance a dairy ration
  • Learn about breeding and reproduction techniques

Take Your Project Further!

  • Tour a dairy goat operation
  • Educate your community about the dairy goat industry
  • Research dairy goat by-products
  • Make your own dairy goat by-products like cheese or soap
  • Compare the differences in dairy cattle and dairy goat milk and cheese production
  • Attend a local, state, or national dairy goat show and listen to the judge give oral reasons
  • Take a trip to your local feed store or feed mill to learn about goat nutrition
  • Take a trip to the zoo to learn about how they use and care for goats
  • Learn about goat fiber products
