
Scholarships Offered:

Blue Ribbon Scholarship

Gwen Wilson Memorial Scholarship

Shawano County HCE Scholarship

Shawano County farm Bureau – Brunch on the farm Scholarship

Shawano County Farm Progress Scholarship

Shawano County Livestock Key Scholarship

United Veterinary Service Scholarship

Wisconsin Cattlemen’s Assocation Scholarship

Wisconsin State Fair Dairy Scholarship

Wisconsin Towns Association Scholarship

Blue Ribbon Scholarship

The Blue Ribbon Sale of Champions Foundation announces that it is awarding $30,000 in Scholarship Awards. Twenty-six awards will be offered in the form of five $2000 scholarships, six $1500 scholarships, seven $1000 scholarships and eight $500 scholarships. Scholarship applications will be accepted beginning on March 1, 2017 through midnight on April 15, 2017. All scholarship winners will be recognized at the Governor’s Blue Ribbon Livestock Auction on Wednesday, August 9, 2017.

Individuals must be between the ages of 17-19 as of January 1st to be eligible to apply. They must be a current or past junior livestock exhibitor of beef, sheep, and/or swine at the Wisconsin State Fair. Applicants must be enrolled or planning to enroll in a UW, Tech or Short Course.

The scholarship application should be completed on-line (preferred) and is also available for download by accessing the website, clicking on the 2017 Scholarship Tab. Applicants can also access the 2017 Scholarship application through the Wisconsin State Fair website, by clicking Contests/Competitive Exhibits, Jr. Livestock Entry Information and scrolling down to the Governor’s Blue Ribbon Livestock Auction Scholarship.

For more information, contact Leah Mindemann, Blue Ribbon Sale of Champions Foundation Scholarship Chair, via email at or (952) 270-8778.

Gwen Wilson Memorial Scholarship 

Gwen Wilson was an outstanding General Leader and founder of the Brener Youthful Workers 4-H Club. This scholarship goes to a four-year or technical college student toward any degree. $600 to an individual who has participated fully (minimum of 7 years) in what the 4-H program has to offer. Click on GWEN WILSON MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP for the application. Please print it off when you have completed it and add the appropriate signatures before returning it to the address on the front of the application. Deadline is March 1st.

Shawano County HCE Scholarship

The Shawano Co. Assn for Home and Community Education is sponsoring a $400 scholarship for a Shawano County resident who is enrolled at a WI University, College or Technical School.

  • Student MUST live in Shawano County
  • Must maintain a 2.5 GPA
  • Be enrolled as a full-time student
  •  Due April 15.
  • Scholarship will be awarded after completion of 1 semester at a Wisconsin university, college or technical college.
  • HCE Scholarship 2022 – Fillable

Shawano County Farm Bureau – Brunch on the Farm Scholarship

Open to Shawano County residents who pursue Ag related degree. Up to six $500 scholarships to university, college or tech school, freshman through senior. Deadline is March 15th.  The direct link to the information & application is:

Shawano County Farm Progress Scholarship

Available to Shawano County residents enrolled in an Ag-related field at a UW-System 4-year campus. Preference given to upper classmen. Funds provide for a scholarship in excess of $800. More information can be found on the UWEX website under agriculture or contact the UWEX office. Deadline is March 1st. Shawano County Farm Progress Scholarship 

Shawano County Livestock Key Scholarship

Calling all sheep, beef, and/or swine exhibitors in grades 11-13. The Shawano County 4-H Livestock Committee Scholarship supports and rewards youth for their involvement in these project areas and sponsors scholarships to further education in a post-secondary school with any major or emphasis. Applications are due May 31. Top amounts can total more than $5,000! Contact the UWEX office. 2024 Shawano County Scholarship

United Veterinary Service Scholarship

Available to 4-H and FFA members in Waupaca, Shawano, Outagamie, Waushara or Winnebago counties who were enrolled in an animal project. A $1000 scholarship for college or technical school.   Contact UWEX, the Vet Clinic at 715-752-4747 or   Deadline is March 31.

Wisconsin Cattlemen’s Association Scholarship

Scholarships available to high school seniors enrolled in a university, technical or Madison Short Course. Need background in beef or dairy and majoring in an agriculture-related field. Deadline is March 6th. Visit their website at

Wisconsin State Fair Dairy Scholarship

The Wisconsin State Fair Dairy Promotion Board is offering $1,000 scholarships to be used during the second semester of the 2018-19 school year.

Third and fourth-year college students pursuing dairy-related or food science degrees at one of Wisconsin’s four-year universities are eligible to apply. Additional scholarships will be available to high school seniors planning to pursue a dairy-related or food science degree at one of Wisconsin’s four-year universities or students studying in a two-year, technical school program related to dairy or food science.

Applicants will be evaluated on involvement and leadership in dairy-related activities, scholastic achievement, and career objectives. Finalists will be interviewed in mid-April, with the recipients to be recognized at the 2018 Wisconsin State Fair.

Application deadline is March 23, 2018.

For more information, contact Katy Katzman at 262-903-6727 or

Wisconsin Towns Association Scholarship

$7000 to high school seniors will be awarded based on the essay question: “A federal republic form of government: What is it? Why does it work? Do we still have one? Why are town governments critical to its success?”  Deadline – May 30th.  Find an application at