2014 Agenda

Click on the links Below to see each presentation

Welcome and Introductions 
-Tom Slawski, Southeast Fox River Partnership, SEWRPC

Illinois Fox River Ecosystem Partnership Update
-Elizabeth Hagen-Moeller, Illinois Fox River Ecosystem Partnership

How Green Infrastructure Can Protect Water Quality
– Tom Price, Conservation Design Forum
Part 1                 Part 2

Kane County Green Infrastructure Plan
-Karen Miller, Kane County & Dennis Dreher, Grosyntec Consultants

–BREAK – Coffee/Snacks–

Implementing a Fox River Predictive Flooding Modeling Application
-Scott R. Schultze, Kenosha  County Division of land Information

Streambank Stability &Riparian Buffer Inventory and Prioritization on the Middle Fox River
Geoffrey Parish, GRAEF

Fish Populations in the Lower Fox River
Steve Pescitelli, Region II Stream Specialist with the IDNR


Nutrient Reductions and Dam Removal: Developing an Implementation Plan to Address Dissolved Oxygen and Algae Problems in The Fox River
Rob Linke, P.E. Fox River Study Group, Inc. Board of Directors

Habitat Management Guidance for Amphibians and Reptiles 
Bruce Kingsbury, Indiana-Purdue University

–BREAK – Soda/Coffee/Snacks–

National Water Trail System & technical program assistance to help communities develop water and land trails
Angie Tornes, National Park Service, Rivers & Trails Program
Part 1                    Part 2

Keynote-Social Marketing Tools & discussion
-Lyn Crighton, Tippecanoe  Watershed Foundation & Jill Hoffmann, Executive Director of the upper White River

Wrap Up Discussion & Adjourn
-Tom Slawski, Southeast Fox River Partnership, SEWRPC