When an area is quarantined, products that can carry spongy moth (Lymantria dispar) must be inspected and found clean before they can be shipped to areas that are free of this pest. Products that must be inspected include:
- Nursery plants and trees
- Unprocessed logs
- Outdoor furniture
- Christmas trees

If moving materials WITHIN Wisconsin, contact the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection with any questions about the quarantine. In addition, WI-DATCP has a number of webpages with additional detailed information about the state’s spongy moth quarantine:
- Spongy Moth Quarantine and Regulations (General quarantine info)
- Spongy Moth Quarantine: Information for Private Citizens
- Spongy Moth Quarantine: Information for Businesses
If moving products from quarantined counties within Wisconsin to unquarantined states or to other countries, contact the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.