
Some of these publication are only available as a PDF download through partners such as DATCP and the DNR.

UWEX-X1063: Spongy Moth General Factsheet
General information about the spongy moth and management information for homeowners.

Forestry Facts No. 83 Forest Management Strategies to Minimize the Impact of the Spongy Moth (PDF download only)
Four-page publication that describes tree species favored by the spongy moth, conditions that lead to high levels of mortality following outbreaks of the pest and silvicultural prescriptions to minimize losses. This publication is appropriate for most landowners.

Spongy Moth Background Information (DATCP)
General background info on spongy moth, it’s appearance, biology, and life cycle.

Spongy Moth Impacts (DATCP)
Information of the impacts of spongy moth in Wisconsin

Spongy Moth Spray Operations (DATCP)
General information on the spray program for spongy moth in Wisconsin.

Spongy Moth Aerial Pesticide Applications (DATCP)
Information on aerial spray treatments for spongy moth.

Spongy Moth Treatments: Bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki “Btk” (DATCP)
Information on the ingredient Bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki, a bacterial biopesticide used to target small spongy moth caterpillars.

Spongy Moth Treatments: Btk & Butterflies (DATCP)
Information on the bacterial biopesticide Bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki and potential impacts on butterflies.

Spongy Moth Treatments: SPLAT Treatments Mating Disruption (DATCP)
Information on mating disruption treatments using a pheromone-based product (SPLAT).

Spongy Moth Slow the Spread Program (DATCP)
Information on the national “slow the spread” program to slow down the spread of spongy moth in the US.

Common Oak Defoliators in Michigan (It’s Not Always the Spongy Moth!)
Lots of color photos with distinguishing traits of 16 other caterpillar species that feed on oaks. All species are found in Wisconsin. Good for woodlot owners, foresters, and others with some background with insects.