New Videos

“Safe Operation of Farm Tractors: A Basic Overview for Farm Owners and Operators” is an educational video series to help farm tractor operators learn the basics about safe tractor operation.  Funded by UW Center for Agriculture & Safety, each of the videos in the nine-part series introduces a tractor safety segment vital to safe operation.  This video series in not meant to be a complete safety training program, but rather a guide to the basics of safe farm tractor operation.  The videos can also be used a helpful tool for farm owners and managers when teaching family and non-family employees how to be safe on the farm.

The videos are available either as a DVD or via YouTube by clicking the links below.  If interested in borrowing a DVD, please contact your local UW-Extension Agriculture Agent.

Safe Operation of Farm Tractors: A Basic Overview for Farm Owners and Operators Videos

Tractor Safety Opening Series

Opening Video Tractor Safety

Segment 1:    Farm Tractor Pre-Operation/Inspection
Segment 2   Instrument Panels and Controls

Segment 3   Starting and Stopping

Segment 4   Distractions

Segment 5   Human Factors

Segment 6   Field Operation

Segment 7   Highway Operation

Segment  8   PTOs/Hydraulics/3 Point Hitches/Drawbars

Segment 9   Loader Safety


If you have questions, please contact Cheryl Skjolaas, Interim Director and Agricultural Safety Specialist, UW-Madison/Extension at