Teaching Skills: things to avoid

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Teaching and Presentation Skills: Keep these techniques in mind

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2. Building a Strong Opening

Things to Avoid When Presenting

    • Apologetic beginning (I’m pretty nervous so I hope you’ll bear with me; I’m not sure that I’m qualified; Sorry the room is too small.)
    • Potentially offensive beginning (off-color joke)
    • Excessively flattering openings (I am deeply humble to stand before such an illustrious group.)
    • Gimmicky beginning (Write SEX on blackboard – “Now that I have your attention.”)
    • Statements like “Before I begin” (you already have), “I did not have time to prepare my comments” (so why are you speaking) or “When I gave this speech last week” (Let me think I’m special.)
    • Wrong names (If you have to acknowledge a VIP, do it as the second item in your introduction, and be sure you have the names correct.)

Adapted with permission from Soil and Water Conservation District Outreach: A Handbook for Program Development, Implementation and Evaluation. Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Soil and Water Conservation, 2003.