Teaching Skills: where to start

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Facilitation Skills: The art of group facilitation

Teaching and Presentation Skills: Keep these techniques in mind

Tips for Programs: practical examples and resources

Create Effective Presentations 

Where to Start

Every presentation has three key elements that need to be in harmony for a presentation to be effective:

•  The speaker (yourself)

•  The listeners (your audience)

•  The content (your prepared speech, your material)

If doing a presentation is your own idea, you pretty much have control over the selected topic and the audience you want to target. If you are asked to present, you need to ask as many questions as needed until you feel that you know who the audience will be (e.g., number expected, attendance is required or voluntary, their level of knowledge about the topic, what setting will they be in). Then ask what main ideas you should emphasize about the topic.

Adapted with permission from Soil and Water Conservation District Outreach: A Handbook for Program Development, Implementation and Evaluation. Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Soil and Water Conservation, 2003.