1. Did you know October is National Community Planning Month! Take a moment to reflect on how planning has helped your community and give yourselves a pat on the back for playing an important role in creating livable, healthy and engaged communities. Thank you to all the Plan Commissioners and Local Government officials out there who contribute to making Winnebago County a great place to live, work and play! Click here to learn more.
2. The next Plan Commissioner Network meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, October 28, 2015, 6:30-8:00pm. Location: likely will be Town of Vinland again.
Discussion Topic: “Potpourri” – this will be a facilitated discussion focused on whatever is important or critical to your town at the moment. If you are working on an ordinance update, new policy, or dealing with a difficult or interesting situation, bring your questions and ideas to the group.
3. Changes to the Plan Commissioner Network for 2016 — I need to make some changes to the PCN for next year. We will have 3 meetings instead of 4 (dates TBD). I am also looking for 2-3 more volunteers who can meet with me in January to formulate the programming for these three meetings. Please consider stepping up – it should only require one meeting’s worth of your time and I would greatly appreciate your input. Let me know via email if you are interested – cneiswender@co.winnebago.wi.us Thank you!
4. “Determining Local Options for Implements of Husbandry” wisline I scheduled for Monday, Oct 12th. You can register to listen at home, or come to the Winnebago UWEX office to listen in. Click here for more information.