Plan Commissioner Information and Resources – October 2015

1.  Did you know October is National Community Planning Month!  Take a moment to reflect on how planning has helped your community and give yourselves a pat on the back for playing an important role in creating livable, healthy and engaged communities.  Thank you to all the Plan Commissioners and Local Government officials out there […]


Plan Commissioner Information and Resources – September 2015

1.  NEW LOOK for the PCN website – I’ve upgraded the PCN site to a look and format that will be more mobile friendly.  Everything online is trending this way, so now you can take PCN with you more easily (-:   2. The next Plan Commissioner Network meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, October 28, 2015, 6:30-8:00pm.  […]


Lot Sizes – August 2015

Lot Sizes – August 2015 Discussion Outline Aug 26 2015 Lot Sizes handout (pdf) Chart of Lot Sizes in Winnebago County, WI  (pdf) Winnebago County general Zoning ordinance chart, pages 8-22 to 8-27 Town of Nepeuskun A-2 District standard – page 5-19 – example of a density based policy Center for Land Use Education Factsheet Series […]


Reminder — Plan Commissioner Network meeting tomorrow night!

Don’t forget! The Plan Commissioner Network meets Wednesday, October 28, 6:30-8:00pm.  Location: Town of Vinland Town Hall, 6085 County Rd T Discussion Topic: “Potpourri” – this will be a self-directed and facilitated discussion focused on whatever is important or critical to your town at the moment.  If you are working on an ordinance update, new […]


Plan Commissioner Information and Resources – August 2015

1. The Plan Commissioner Network will resume Wednesday, August 26th, 6:30-8:00pm.  Location: Town of Vinland Town Hall, 6085 County Rd T Discussion Topic: “Lot Sizes” – basics, variations, impacts, and using lot sizes to meet community goals. Bring your experiences and questions for the group!   Our last Plan Commissioner Network meeting of 2015 is […]


Plan Commissioner Information and Resources – July 2015

Happy Summer! 1. The Plan Commissioner Network will resume Wednesday, August 26th, 6:30-8:00pm.  Discussion Topic:  Lot Sizes.  Location: TBD. What does this topic mean to you?  What questions do you have about lot sizes?  Send me your thoughts in advance to help us prepare for the conversation. Thanks to those that have already sent in their ideas! […]


REMINDER – Plan Commissioner 101 workshop – still time to RSVP!

REMINDER – there is still time to RSVP! Plan Commissioner 101 workshop will be held Monday, May 18 from 6-8pm. This is for new plan commissioners, town board members, zoning administrators, and those that would like a refresher. It will cover the basics of roles, responsibilities, open government and basic actions of the Plan Commission.  […]


Plan Commissioner 101 workshop to be held May 18, 2015 – RSVP

REMINDER – there is still time to RSVP! Plan Commissioner 101 workshop will be held Monday, May 18 from 6-8pm. This is for new plan commissioners, town board members, zoning administrators, and those that would like a refresher. It will cover the basics of roles, responsibilities, open government and basic actions of the Plan Commission.  […]


April 29, 2015 Plan Commissioner Network meeting CANCELLED

CANCELLED! The Wednesday, April 29th Plan Commissioner Network meeting is cancelled. My apologies for the inconvenience. Fall meeting dates will be sent later in the summer. Meanwhile, a Plan Commissioner 101 workshop will be held Monday, May 18 from 6-8pm. This is for new plan commissioners, town board members, zoning administrators, and those that would […]


Plan Commissioner Information and Resources – April 2015

1.  The next Plan Commissioner Network meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, April 29, 2015, 6:30-8:00pm, @ Town of Vinland Town Hall.  Our discussion topic: Lot Sizes.  What does this mean to you?  What questions do you have about lot sizes?  Send me your thoughts in advance to help us prepare for the conversation. Thanks! 2.  Upcoming training opportunities ….. […]