Winter 2014 Financial Coaching Newsletter

The Winter 2014 Financial Coaching Newsletter is available for viewing. Articles include: The Financial Clinic’s Change Machine An Interview with Margaret Moore, Founder of Wellcoaches Corporation The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau on Financial Coaching Review You Can Use: Diversity in Coaching: Working with Gender, Culture, Race and Age


Group Coaching Interview and Survey Issue Brief

This issue brief reports on interviews and survey data from a group coaching pilot program. The brief summarizes findings from a group financial coaching program piloted by the Maryland CASH Campaign ( in spring 2013. The program was developed as a way to deliver financial coaching services efficiently by building on the success of group-based […]


Summer 2013 Financial Coaching Newsletter

The Summer 2013 Financial Coaching Newsletter is available for viewing. Articles include: Financial Coaching Competencies An Interview with Judith Colemon Kinebrew Review You Can Use: Coach Yourself: Make Real Change in Your Life Financial Coaching Spotlight: An Exploration of Group Coaching