Rabbit Project

Kewaunee County 4-H Rabbit Project Bylaws

Meeting Dates and Locations

Sunday, December 10, 2:00 PM Luxemburg Sportsmans Club, Luxemburg
Sunday, January 14, 2:00 PM Luxemburg Sportsmans Club, Luxemburg
Sunday, March 10, 2:00 PM Luxemburg Sportsmans Club, Luxemburg
Sunday, April 21, 2:00 PM TBD
Sunday, May 12, 2:00 PM Luxemburg Sportsmans Club, Luxemburg
Sunday, June 23, 2:00 PM Luxemburg Sportsmans Club, Luxemburg

Rabbit Market Feed Sheet (for auction  requirements and paperwork visit: https://fyi.extension.wisc.edu/kewaunee4h/auction-paperwork/ )

Rabbit (Market) Feed Sheet doc

Livestock Auction Information

Auction Processor Form

For more information on the Kewaunee County 4-H Rabbit Project, please contact:

Dennis LeGrave 920-676-9491

April LeGrave 920-676-6519

Stephanie Boeder 920-676-7926

Karl Boeder 920-371-6833

Michelle Steinhorst 920-255-3686



Extension Kewaunee County

Erin Dahle
4-H Program Educator

Vacant – Program Assistant
(920) 388-7141

Support Extension