Time and Talent Fundraiser

The annual 4-H Time and Talent fundraising event this year will be on March 23, 2025, at 10:00 AM at the Kewaunee County Fairgrounds in the Exhibit Hall.

What is the Time and Talent fundraiser? The Time & Talent raffle helps support the great activities and programs 4-H provides for Kewaunee County youth. This is one of the 4-H Leaders Association’s main fundraisers for the year.  Activities include Project Day, county fair, camps, animal judging teams, scholarships, leadership conferences, national trips, and many other opportunities. We make these experiences available to all youth in the program regardless of financial situation. The success of this event is critical to continue the activities mentioned above.

If you have any questions about Time & Talent donations: Please contact  Renee Van Donsel, Time and Talent Fundraising Chair, by e-mail: rvandonsel06@gmail.com or by phone at: 920-639-8307 with questions.

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