4-H Awards

Kewaunee County 4-H: County Based Awards

Each year, Kewaunee County 4-H honors outstanding members, leaders, and community members with merit-based awards. A committee selects award winners from the nomination pool. All award winners are honored at our annual Fall 4-H Banquet. Anyone can nominate someone for one of the awards listed below. If you feel someone should be considered for an award, please travel to the link below. Paper copies are available and can be downloaded by clicking the fillable PDF links.

County-Level Award Descriptions:

New Teen Award: The New Teen Award nominations are open to 4-H members in grades 7-9. This individual should display good leadership skills, sportsmanship, a positive attitude, a willingness to help others, and dedication. He/she should serve as a positive role model and mentor to other youth. This person should be involved at the club, project, county levels, and maybe even beyond.

Outstanding Teen Award: The Outstanding Teen Award nominations are open to 4-H members in grades 10-13. This individual should display good leadership skills, sportsmanship, a positive attitude, a willingness to help others, and dedication. He/she should serve as a positive role model and mentor to other youth. This person should be involved at the club, project, county levels, and maybe even beyond.

Outstanding Club/Project Member: Each club/project should select one outstanding member from their club/project membership. This individual should display good leadership skills, sportsmanship, a positive attitude, a willingness to help others, and dedication. Each club/project is asked to select one member for this award

Outstanding Leader: Any current 4-H leader who has been volunteering for 3-5 years may be nominated for this award. Do you know a volunteer leader who continually goes above and beyond for the organization? Someone who embodies what the 4-H program is all about? A volunteer who has made a difference in the lives of youth, other adults, or the community at large through the 4-H program? Then be sure to nominate this person for the Outstanding Leader award.

Volunteer of the Year: This is the highest county-level award a volunteer can receive. This award is given to those who have been volunteering for a minimum of 10 years. The person that receives this award is making a difference across our entire county program and living the 4-H motto, to make the best, better. The person demonstrates the ability to work with young people in a way that promotes youth empowerment, youth/adult partnerships, decision-making, problem-solving, meeting challenges, and mastery. As important, he/she builds safe, belonging, and inclusive environments for young people and program participants. Additionally, the Nominee has innovative approaches to performing volunteer service, recruiting of additional 4-H volunteers and youth, partnering with other youth-serving agencies, fundraising, providing other resources for 4-H, and/or advocacy for 4-H.
Please use the Outstanding Leader form for nominations.

Friend of 4-H: This award is given to a person, business, or group that is not currently part of the 4-H program. Throughout the year they are a key a partner, generously give time and/or resources, or have provided an exceptional level of support to Kewaunee County 4-H.

The Wisconsin 4-H Key Award Program

The Wisconsin 4-H Key Award Program is one of the highest recognitions a 4-H member can receive. This award recognizes a select group of 4-H participants who have demonstrated consistent growth in their 4-H involvement, developed and applied their leadership skills, and actively participated in the functions of their 4-H club and community. To be eligible, candidates for this award must be at least in 9th grade or older and must have completed at least three years of 4-H and one year of youth leadership.

Young people for this award can either SELF-NOMINATE themselves or BE NOMINATED by an adult or older youth who can vouch for their 4-H commitment. Often, young people don’t see the good they do – and the nomination process can be a way of sharing with young people they are not only seen but commended.

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