4-H Enrollment

4-H Enrollment Information

4-H enrollment is open to any youth in kindergarten through grade 13 (one year past high school). You can enroll in Kewaunee County 4-H at any time throughout the year.

In order to enroll in 4-H, contact a community club general leader, enroll on 4H Online, and get involved. It’s that simple! The Kewaunee County Project List shows you all of the great opportunities there are in 4-H.

When you are choosing a community club, you may want to visit a few to see which one is the best fit for your family. Once you have decided which club to join, contact the club leader and they will let you know when and where their next meeting will take place. Also, they will be able to provide you with a calendar of 4-H project meetings and events.

Project meetings (such as horse, leathercraft, or dogs, for example) are different than your community club meetings and focus on a specific topic area. They usually take place at separate times and locations from your club meetings. Some projects have county-wide meetings while others meet on a club level or are geared toward self-study.

Enrollment Guides

Whether you are a new or returning family, reading through the guide below will help you through enrolling in Wisconsin 4-H. Please read this page for a summary of the steps needed to enroll.

4-H Family, Member, and Leader Enrollment Guide

  • If you are a new family, start with “Creating a New 4-H Online Account” on page 3. After you create your login account, you will be prompted to Add a New Member to the Family right away. To add additional family members, click on the Add Member button on your family member list screen.
  • If you are a returning family, start with “Logging into an Existing 4-H Online Account” on page 2. To re-enroll any existing adult or youth member, click on the Enroll Now link for the member on your family member list screen. Instructions for re-enrolling a youth start on page 7 and instructions for adults on page 11.

Cloverbud Project

If the youth is a new member in grades 5K-2, it means they belong to the Cloverbud Project. Youth in these grade levels are also sometimes called Cloverbuds. It is the only project that youth in this age group are allowed to sign up for because it is the only project that is designed just for them.

We encourage youth and families to use Cloverbuds—their first 4-H project—to dip their toes in the water, find out what is possible with 4-H, and get to know their club and community in a new way.

Project Guide

If you are looking for Project resource material for your child, club, or project please visit the 4H Resource Library at this link: https://4h.extension.wisc.edu/resources/resource-library/

Computer Access

If you would like to enroll as a member or leader in 4-H and do not have access to a computer or access to the internet, please contact the Extension Office at (920) 388-7141.

4-H Enrollment Procedures

Families will enroll in 4-H through 4-H online. This program allows families to enter and manage their own information. The program was designed for use with all internet connections. It is easy to use and gives families the opportunity to update their personal information, look up projects they are enrolled in, read the newsletter, receive announcements about 4-H activities, and more. It is convenient because families can access their information at any time of the day.

Family-friendly instructions are available above as well as an enrollment guide with instructions on how to enroll online, projects available for enrollment, and information about 4-H. A limited number of paper enrollment guides are available from the Kewaunee County UW-Extension office. Email is the primary form of communication in Kewaunee County 4-H. Please look for enrollment information in the Fall! More information will be available from your clubs and at upcoming informational meetings.

For additional help, please contact:

Erin Dahle
4-H Program Educator

-Your club leader
-4-H support staff, at 920-388-7141

4-H is for Everyone: Expanding Access to Members and Families

4-H Volunteer Enrollment

If you are interested in volunteering with the Kewaunee County 4-H Program, please call (920) 388-7141.

Committee Sheet

If you are a current volunteer and interested in serving on a project or activity committee please fill out Committee Interest Form (Green Sheet): Project and Activity Committee Sign-up

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